Thursday, October 16, 2008

G:TB Song of the...Time Period

Jenny Lewis has a new record out. You know how we feel about Jenny Lewis.


  1. After 2 minutes of monotonous percussion, I moved on.

  2. this story from jerry tarkanian regarding the recruiting of sam bowie isn't surprising, but it is ridiculous.

  3. If Tark can have a blog with stuff this good, I really hope someone gives Jim Harrick a blog.

  4. larry eustachy's would be more fun - sort of like late night shots meets the motion offense.

  5. Todd Bozeman's blog would also be a fun read, especially if he started it years and years ago...

  6. have i mentioned my fondness for jim zorn? arguably the only thing dan snyder's got right in his tenure as owner.

  7. What about the time Snyder brought Dana Stubblefield and Dan Wilkinson to the Skins?

  8. And Deion Sanders and Mark Carrier and Jeff George and we were going to win the Super Bowl by 50 points and...and...and...


  9. I heard Matthew Berry refer to the Zorn Era recently as The Zorn Supremacy which I enjoyed. Not as good as Geoff's Child Zornographer bit, but still.

  10. A small bit of good economic news for you all:

    Gas futures closed at $1.65 today, the lowest level in 20 months. That translates to a gas price of about $2.30 per gallon in a month or so. Look for it to continue plummeting toward that level in the next couple weeks.

  11. nice work, rhymo. why don't you go gorge yourself on some german food and beer as a reward?

  12. I got a tank full of 79 cents a gallon outside of Atlanta in the early 1990's. And I liked it. And so did Big Head Todd and the Monsters.

    You whippersnappers (Mark) go ahead and celebrate your $2.30.

  13. Whitne's right. I was excited about the $2.30 gallon.

    And umm, that whole BYU in the BCS thing's not happen, huh?

  14. Hey Whit, that Dan Wheeler guy is pretty good, eh?

  15. I may have had something to say about Mr. Wheeler in years past. Not one word of it complimentary.

  16. The Red Sox, like Greg's herpes, just won't go away.

  17. Also acceptable:

    The Red Sox, like George Lopez, just won't go away.

  18. It's really too bad that Rob's been asleep for the last 3 innings. I think he'd be enjoying this.

  19. He's stroking his JD Drew bobblehead.

  20. I fucking hate the Red Sox...

  21. Boston is the best thing that ever happened to JD Drew.

  22. JD Drew's wife is really excited by the prospect of her husband getting to play a few games in Philadelphia next week -- he actually keeps some of the batteries for her.

  23. the red sox are the one thing that keeps me awake after midnight. i realize how sad that is.

    i just walked my daughter to the bus stop and talked to another dad, also a red sox fan, who went to bed in the top of the 7th. poor guy missed all the fun.

  24. Well...that guy's a douche and his daughter is probably going to end up as a stripper, and not a good one either.

  25. Greg walked someone to a bus stop this morning too. Her name was "Celeste"...or at least last night it was.

  26. This is an incredible video! The picture and audio quality are insanely good. Makes me sad that I will probably never get the chance to see Jenny Lewis live :( Amanda Vanderpool

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