Friday, September 05, 2008

Who's excited for some football?

I think the answer is of course "every last f'ing one of us". We will have some picks for you later today, but in the meantime, I think I found the proper clip to kick off the season:


  1. I'm excited for Sunday simply because Saturday's college offerings are so terrible. I think it's the worst week of games all year. Florida will paste Miami. I hope that Cincy can hang with the Sooners for a bit, but that's unlikely.

    This week's national NFL games aren't much to brag about either. The NYC area will get 6 games in all, but that includes Miami, Washington, Chicago, Denver and Oakland. Shit sandwiches abound.

  2. Honestly, if Chaz Sexington outplays Favre this week I am going to be mighty pissed...

  3. Oh yeah, here's Brandon Jacobs steamrolling Landry last night:

  4. I'm betting he ate some bad ham...or green eggs:

    CHICAGO (AP) - The Reverend Jesse Jackson is being treated at a Chicago hospital after experiencing severe stomach pains.

  5. Son of a bitch...they're gonna make a Ghostbusters 3. Unreal.

  6. 'Bout damn time...

    And, god I hope that Florida trounces Miami. That would make my week, hell, my month.

  7. I saw this first when i was in 5th grade.... Lets just say i was mind blowing. Amanda Vanderpool CEO
