Monday, September 01, 2008

Its the end of summer as we know it...

That's right. Summer is officially over. Labor Day is here. I'm sure that this day is bittersweet for many of you who live in the northern regions of this great country, but its never held that feeling for me. Here in Florida, the warm weather lasts another month or two and school's been back in session for a couple of weeks now. Around here, Labor Day is just an excuse to take Monday off, go to the beach and have a few afternoon beers...which is never a bad thing. Plus, Labor Day weekend brings us college football as well as the ever nearing return of the National Football League. All in all, Labor Day is pretty fucking sweet if you ask me. It also happens to be the title of a classic album (Labor Days) from of my favorite artists, brooklyn bred rapper Aesop Rock, as well as the title of a track from the same album. So, since I couldn't bear to post the footage I received of Phil Fulmer devouring a dozen In-and Out Burgers last night (Didn't you think it was just a little odd that Tennessee would travel all the way to California for season openers against PAC-10 schools each of the past two years?), I'll leave you with some hip-hop that involves things other than bitches, money and weed (not that there's anything wrong with that) to help you finish out your summer.

See you in the fall...bitches.


  1. And here I was digging up some absurd Office Space clip as filler...well done sir.

  2. I wasn't sure anybody would be posting so I figured I'd get something up. And, there's no such things as an absurd clip from Office Space. Its all genius.

    Wait, does that mean you're in the office today?

  3. I was...ever so briefly...and the clip was so good I posted it over at MLC.

  4. spent a portion of this fine labor day at the pool, and came away quite surprised (and not unpleasantly so, with one notable exception) at the proliferation of tattoos on suburban soccer moms. who knew?

  5. What was the % of tramp stamps in the mix Rob? Those turn me off a little due to the lack of originality (in terms of placement) but I'm still usually pleased to see otherwise conservative mothers sporting a little ink.

  6. Some piss poor quarterback play so far in this game.

  7. surprising mix of tats in the group - handful of tramp stamps, but more than a few really nice other efforts. one particularly demure mom had an awesome half-sleeve from shoulder to elbow. you could've knocked me over with a feather.

  8. Not a strong start for me as an NCAA prognosticator. Rutgers and Tennessee...ouch.

    The only hunch I've had so far this year that seems correct is that Dave Wannstedt and Pitt will not be good this year.

    Delaware hanging touch with Maryland tells me that the Tribe will have their hands full in the 'Burg on 10/18.

  9. Phil Fulmer just might get run over by a tractor this week.

  10. After we see the Tribe get pasted by the Wolfpack this weekend, we'll see how well they hang against mid-level ACC teams.

    Any way the Tribe defense gives up less than 30 pts per game this year in the CAA?

  11. No chance. I'm pretty sure that we haven't had a defense that could be classified as "good" since 1997. That would have been a national championship contender if the key guys on offense stayed healthy.
