Thursday, September 25, 2008

G:TB: Now 50% less gay...

Show of hands here...Who thinks Rob's a pint sized little asshole? Okay, that's what I thought. Show of hands again...Who thinks that video Rob posted earlier this afternoon is easily the gayest thing thats ever graced the fine pages (screens?) of Gheorghe?

Wow. I mean I knew it was gay but I didn't expect a unanimous response. Oh wait, not quite unanimous. Rob didn't raise his hand did he? My bad. I didn't even realize he was here until he just jumped up on that footstool. Even with that, I can barely see him. Anyway, I couldn't let the entire afternoon go with that crap sitting there as the first thing people see when they log on to G:TB. I mean, that fucking song is so bad that I had to take a shower and drench myself in Stetson just to make sure I wasn't going to catch "the gay". Unfortunately, many of you are stuck at work and therefore, unable to shower. So consider this underrated Outkast track/video my gift to you...

Sorry Geoff, I couldn't embed any videos from Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik. Deal with it.


  1. Even I'm a tad concerned about this recent overload of YouTube clips.

    Wait a second, no I'm not...

  2. On a more serious note, we need to make some decent NFL picks this week...which means I should probably not be allowed anywhere near a pick.

  3. Yeah, I'm thinking of stepping away from picking the Bucs for a week or so. The skeptical fan in me may be clouding my judgement.

  4. Stetson? What? Were you all out of Canoe? Or Cool Water?

  5. you act like the gay is something to be ashamed of.

  6. I'll (incorrectly) make a prediction on the riveting Jets-Cardinals game.

    Included will be ther over/under on how many of the Jets new "Flight Squad" cheerleaders will have Matt Leinart's phone number by the end of the game.

    In case you're wondering, the answer is yes. The Flight Squad do dress like flight attendant whores. Good times in the Dirty Jerz.

  7. Actually, I was all out of Stetson Untamed.

  8. MArk, I believe that is actually a remix of a song originally on Southerplayalistic...I'd need Slats, Ted or Zoltan to confirm that though.

  9. Actually, its from the New Jersey Drive soundtrack.

  10. Yes, but its a remake...I think. Same lyrics, different music is on their debut album. I'm efforting this...

  11. Last year the Pats cheerleaders dressed up as whores for the game closest to Halloween. It was amazing. Cheerleaders normally don't wear a lot of clothes, so Halloween-style cheerleaders are particlarly unclothed. It looked like they got their outfits from the Glass Slipper locker room. There was a slutty cop cheerleader, a slutty nurse cheerleader, a slutty construction worker cheerleader, and my favorite, a slutty Gwen Stefani look-alike cheerleader.

  12. I have to disagree with you, Geoff.

  13. Yes, after doing some research, I'm incorrect (also known as "wrong"). I did also purchase the New Jersey Drive soundtrack at some point in high school, which might explain the confusion. But yep, you're right.

  14. So they looked like the Pussy Cat Dolls?

  15. There are a couple of notables things about that video. First, it introduced the world to the "bankhead bounce" (Quite a moment for the world of dance, I'm sure). Secondly, the song playing when the video starts is West Savannah which they cut for the first album but didn't put out until Aquemini.

  16. He does realize it's Cleveland we're talking about, right?

    INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -- Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert says the speculation that LeBron James will leave Cleveland in two years is out of line and "an insult to the city."

  17. "Efforting" is the new "cromulent." But let's lump it in with "literally," "it is what it is," and "Cleveland" and leave it to the lesser bloghosphere, mmmkay? Rob, this mostly means you.

  18. Yes...if someone were to assert that living in NYC might be preferable to The Cleve...that would be way, WAY outta line.

  19. Andy Pollin says it a lot on the radio and I enjoy it. Go listen to the Pixies and maybe effort shoving some LPs up your ass.


    I sound cranky...maybe I need to go to Cleveland and get away from it all...

  21. We're all models west of the Allegheny.

  22. My boy Jacquizz (sp?) Rodgers has em going crazy in Corvallis.

  23. I really hope some of you other donkeys are watching this game...

    Nice ball security Mr. McKnight.

  24. The Rodgers Brothers are fucking destroying USC.

  25. I've been watching it on the 2nd tv while watching other shit with the lady. This is truly ridiculous.

  26. Was the other shit some sort of medical drama on either ABC or NBC?

  27. OK, now let's see how the Beavers respond...

    Frankly, I just like typing Beavers.

  28. Mad Men. So, not much of a sacrifice.

  29. I watched the first six or seven episodes of Season 1, but I got bored by Mad Men. I enjoy the era they captured, but just wasn't invested enough in a lot of the characters.

  30. Maybe we've discussed this before, but I really enjoy Jesse Palmer both in the booth and in the studio.

    Plus he's dreamy...

  31. We're about halfway thru the first season. Its cool so far. She's in bed now and I'm up watching this game.

    Rodgers is quite a runner. Doesn't take a lot of direct hits. A litte bit of Warrick Dunn in him.

  32. It's hard to hit a 5'6" guy...ask rob.

  33. He is a dreamy canuck.

    And yeah, he's a much better tv personality than college QB.

  34. Mark, you get the feeling its gonna be 21 all soon?

  35. The Mets are going to give Whit a legit coronary I think.

  36. Brian McKnights second cousin once removed is having a terrible night.

  37. Have I ever mentioned how much I wish Damian Williams was a Gator?

  38. Oh boy, it's like two completely different games from 1st to 2nd half...

  39. He's the kid who transferred with Mustain, yes?

  40. Yeah, and he originally committed to UF and then switched to Ark a couple days before signing day.

    Same class as Tebow, Harvin, Spikes, etc.

  41. So, that Meyer guy can recruit is what you're saying.

  42. The Beavers might want to sustain a drive here, or this game might be over soon.

  43. Sahne Morales...I dont know if I've ever seen a Mexican WR before.

  44. Clay Matthews is a beast, by the way.

  45. USC, home of freakishly athletic honky LBs.

  46. Honestly, is Joe McKnight stoned?

  47. McKnight fumbles a ton fo punts to be the #1 guy for a team as talented as USC.

  48. Fowler likes to say Beavers as much as I like to type it.

  49. So the White Sox just got swept by the Twins to fall a half game back in the AL Central. Cue Ozzie Guillen eruption in 3...2...

  50. I dont watch a ton of USc but i seems like sometimes they gt to cute on offense. Not like UF with the reverses and option but with elaborate play actions, motions, generally making things harder than they need to be.

  51. I'm pretty sure the Charles Schwab voiceover guy is the star of Mannequin.

  52. Wow, Rodgers has 30 carries already.

  53. He's the best rb on the field today. Maybe not long term but as a college rb, its not close

  54. Oh, having watched this entire game, completely agree with you on USC's offense. I think Pete Carroll is allergic to basic formations.

  55. Its a lot of these bastardized West Coast offenses. Gruden does the same shit.

  56. Mike Riley, run the fucking ball on 3rd and 2...ass.

  57. I finally found a kicking game worse than the Jets.

  58. Exactly...keep it fucking simple.

  59. "The Beavers and the Trojans"

    Yep, I laugh every time.

  60. When USC was running slants and outs they were carving up the Beaver secondary. Why did they stop doing it after the first two TDs?

  61. Rhym-O, can't wait to hear how excited you are to have Allan Houston back on the Knicks.

  62. You're right - they've outsmarted themselves.

  63. McKnight is to college football what Reggie Bush is to the NFL, in terms of impact.

  64. Our cat just dropped possibly the worst smelling shit I've ever encountered in my life. I just had to turn off the AC and open every window.

  65. AHL.

    I bet the brownies at the Corvallis Hilton are amazing.

  66. As I told rob earlier, Jacquizz will be my first "Bite Me Randy Newman" post. I love this kid.

  67. He's a hell of a player. Of course, I'm partial to Brandon James when it comes to the college guys.

  68. Shit...USC is gonna score, I know it.

  69. hHekker keeps rolling em deep.

  70. Yeah, for a terrible punter he's really getting the roll.

  71. A Gatorade bath with 2:30 left. C'mon Beavers...

  72. Good start to the college football weekend.

  73. Damn, that's a pretty impressive storming of the field.

  74. Mark and TJ would benefit from a new invention they call "the telephone."

  75. for the record, i was nearly asleep at 11:11, but did manage to watch nearly the entire 3rd quarter before passing out. in my defense, i was drunk, too - last night was my anniversary.

  76. I remember watching this video back in 1995 and wondering what the song at the beginning was then 3 years later Aquemini dropped and "West Savannah" was on there... classic! Amanda Vanderpool
