Monday, August 18, 2008

We got some Canes over here...whoosh, whoosh.

My apologies for using possibly college football's lamest chant as a title to this post. I honestly couldn't think of anything else. As you may (or may not) be aware of, Florida is bracing for the impact of a hurricane...barely. Hurricane Fay is a hurricane by the slimmest of margins and isn't likely to be an actual hurricane for long once it reaches land near Ft. Myers. However, that hasn't stopped a number of counties throughout the state (including my own) from canceling school and various other government activities.

Of course, this will start a domino effect that will result in most places closing their doors for the day tomorrow. This is why I love hurricanes. Not all hurricanes mind you. Some are extremely shitty and can leave areas without power and water for days on end (duh). And, I'm not just talking about legendary storms like Andrew or Katrina. I've been through hurricanes that have totaled my high school gym, flooded my house and even destroyed a local hotel over the years.

Hurricane Frances may have destroyed some shit (actually a lot of shit) but I got to get drunk and play poker with my friends for 3 straight days.

Yet, for all the times that a hurricane has come through and actually fucked shit up there's been 3 or 4 that resulted in nothing more than rain, wind and an excuse to get together with friends and get extremely god damn drunk. That is what Fay is...a day off. A reason to drink sleep in tomorrow and then wake up and get drunk again. And, thats why I love hurricanes.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go fight through the crowds of idiots furiously gassing up their cars, RVS, motorcycles and generators and grab a couple cases of beer. Have fun at work.


  1. i love me some bob costas, but this fake outrage about usain bolt's 'disrespectful' antics is postively joebuckian.

  2. Florida should have a strict policy of naming all hurricanes that don't pan out after Hurricanes that didn't pan out. We'll call this one Hurricane Rumph.

  3. I think that would make Hurricane Torretta a Class 5.

  4. They destroyed my high school gym too.

  5. Hold on, Mark, you have a job?

  6. Yes, I have a job. A job that allows me to work from home so the day off doesn't really matter. However, if everybody else is off then so am I.

  7. I just couldn’t leave your website before saying that I really enjoyed the quality information you offer to your visitors... Woosh
