Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good LORD am I excited...

Its not often a video that consists of only still photos and a song with no words can get you so jacked that you're ready to go tackle the 6th graders playing catch across the street from you but, well, thats what the impending arrival of college football does to me. I'm so fucking excited that my weekends have meaning again. I'm so fucking excited about watching football for 12 hours straight on Saturdays. I'm so fucking excited for Tebow and Harvin and Spikes and ARRGGGH!!! SMASH!!!

There's a very real chance that I won't sleep on Friday night without the aid of copious amounts of alcohol. If I don' matter, I'll just stay up and watch this video until Gameday comes on. One more weekend of only baseball on TV and I might have killed myself.


  1. man, what the fuck is shawne merriman thinking?

  2. Thats a good fucking question Rob. One which I have no answer for...

  3. I just furnished robert's question with an answer over at the House...

  4. Oooh, Oooh, I can't get there fast enough!

  5. TEEEEEEEEEEEEBOW SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Mini storyline for tonight's Cocks-Pack game:

    I went to a work conference in San Antonio last year and played golf with the older brother of Stephen Garcia. For those of you who don't know Stephen Garcia, he is a very highly regarded QB prospect out of Florida that Spurrier nabbed. He has turned into a vanilla thug in his 1+ years in Columbia, getting arrested multiple times. The arrests were for public drunkennes and failing to stop for a police officer (drunkenly running from a cop and trying to hide in an alley) and malicious injury to personal property (keying the car of a professor).

    He was reinstated to the team earlier this month and has a chance to take over the starting job as a redshirt freshman this year. I wonder if the early reinstatement has more to do with his behavior or with the play of the other QB candidates. Both of his older brothers played football at Harvard, so I guess he got all the crazy in the Garcia gene pool.

  7. Much of that is true, except the part about Garcia turning into a thug. He was far from a choir boy in high school and a lot of schools stayed away from him for fear that he do exactly as he's done once he got off to college.

    He's loaded with talent though, much more than any QB on SC's roster. The interesting angle is that the most physically talented QBs rarely end up starting for Spurrier. Over the years at UF, many highly regarded QBs left the progam (Olmstead, Kresser, Berlin, etc.) b/c they couldn't grab the starting position over less talented and ballyhooed teammates.

  8. I always thought I should've gotten a little more ballyhoo in college.
