Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ernest Evans must've really needed the money

Your morning entertainment, courtesy of Prince Markie Dee, Kool Rock-Ski and Buffy the Human Beat Box:


  1. Are you questioning the Fat Boys' artistic integrity?

  2. I would, too, if all I saw was this, "Wipeout" or the "Disorderlies" movie.

    But if you give half a chance to songs like "Fat Boys," "Jailhouse Rap," "Stick 'Em," or my personal favorite, "Can You Feel It," you'll see (hear) that they were nearly as talented as they were novelty-style entertaining. HBB was a bad ass.

  3. andruw jones has a .533 OPS and he's making $18.1m this year. that's the worst contract in the history of ever, right?

  4. The Mariners might argue about Sexson's contract (although he had two decent years in '05 and '06).

    And the Giants would make a case (and win it) that their contract to Zito was the worst contract in the history of baseball, narrowly edging out the Mike Hampton deal.

    Anybody really believe that Andruw is 31 years old? He was allegedly 19 during the 1996 World Series. No way.

  5. Julio Lugo's contract is fantastic.

  6. julio lugo, as dreadful as he is, is making half of jones' $18m per year while putting up the 2nd-best obp of any shortstop in the american league.

    i can't fucking believe you made me defend julio lugo, you dick.

  7. The Nats might finally have the worst record in baseball, but they sure as hell play some entertaining games...

  8. Carl Pavano's contract is a fucking travesty, a travesty covered in these hallowed halls in fact.

  9. I hear about Julio Lugo and his "2nd-best obp of any shortstop in the american league" all the time. He has 27 runs and 20 RBI. Through 81 games. Starting for a team that has scored 478 runs. But he only has 16 errors, so that's nice.

  10. oh, believe me, i know he's fucking awful. and he's still better than andruw jones at half the price.

  11. Ha! I made you stand up for Julio Lugo a second time!

  12. And parenthetically, if his OBP is so high, why doesn't he score any runs? It's as if no one wants to drive Julio in.

  13. who knows. his suck transcends the normal rules of space and time.
