Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day, Redux

I am your father, Luke. Give in to the dark side of the force, you knob:

This bonus clip was requested by rob, eh:


  1. That movie never, ever gets old.

  2. Especially not on Canada Day...

    I am basically watching the entire movie other on YouTube right now.

  3. it resides in the comedy pantheon alongside dumb n' dumber, fletch, spinal tap, caddyshack, stripes, meatballs, and a very few others.

  4. Um, why is Animal House not on that list?

  5. i said 'very few others'. read between the lines.

  6. also, weird science is on the list.

  7. And Porky's...this list is growing larrrrger...which reminds me, Airplane! is also on this list.

  8. I love Stripes and Weird Science more than most of you, but I can't put a movie into any "Pantheon" list when their endings are so horrendous.

    The last 40 minutes of Stripes are almost unwatchable. And as much as I love seeing Bill Paxton as a slime creature, it's not great cinema. There should be a separate category for these kinds of movies.

    For example, the last half of Wedding Crashers is so terrible that it overshadows the first half, rendering the overall movie pretty mediocre (though very quotable).

    And one thing I will fight to the grave on: No Adam Sandler or Chris Farley movie belongs in any list of great comedies. I don't know why people love the Happy Gilmore, Tommy Boy, Billy Madison movies so much. I might have a different take if I was 11 when they came out, but that's not the case.

  9. rhyme, the chet character is strong enough during the film that it makes up for the ending. i'll grant you the point on stripes. we'll strike it from the list.

  10. Oh yeah, the end of Stripes is indeed awful...which is a crying shame, because the first 45 minutes of that movie are cinematic magic.

  11. bill murray is vastly underrated, if that's possible.

  12. Creative Challenge: instead of simply saying "that sucked," take any one of the films whose ending you feel sabotaged it and synopsize what a better, funnier, less cheesy Hollywood ending might've been.

    I didn't mind the Stripes ending quite so much, if only because it makes the film a retarded parallel of Full Metal Jacket... 7 years before Kubrick delivered it.

    But the Wedding Crashers plot detour was bizarrely bad.

  13. Its been said before but its true, Wedding Crashers turns into a chick flick during the final hour. It completely taints the movie. Only the first appearance of Chaz Renihold is worthwhile during that span.

  14. See the problem with Wedding Crashers is like pretty much all "movies" associated with Will Ferrell (Anchorman, Semi-Pro, Blades of Glory)....they should be 10-15 minute comedic sketches at best. These are extremely funny characters that do silly things. But, to be made into a full-length feature film, these characters have to interact with normal society and relate to us (or at least to other characters in the film, or even themselves) to some degree to achieve any sort of depth and meaning. And it's this relationship that the audience keys in on and makes good comedies interesting throughout. The sketch characters are on an island (whore-island if you will...) and when they leave their island to become part of the real world they lose their identity very quickly - and the audience along the way.

  15. I think "Dennis" should've been an American Studies major in the 'Burg.

  16. Well put, Dennis. That was like a Silent Bob soliloquy.

  17. Oh yeah, put Clerks on the list...

  18. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.

  19. not that, but certainly 'the jerk'.

  20. The Jerk is really an outstanding movie.

    Other movies that have to make the list of epic comedies include Vacation, Revenge of the Nerds and Sixteen Candles. The latter two did wonders to dispel negative stereotypes attributed to Asians.

  21. Dennis and I intentionally draft as many asians as possible for our NL-only team, to honor the great work of Long Duk Dong.

  22. No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food.

  23. What's happening hot stuff?!!?

  24. When you get down to brass tacks, you really have to hand it to Anthony Michael Hall for putting together a tremendous string of perfomances as a youngster: Vacation, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club and Weird Science.

    A buddy of mine is a cameraman who does a lot of shoots in the entertainment industry. He worked with him for an interview. Apparently, Hall turned down Platoon and Full Metal Jacket. Not strong moves on his part, although Matthew Modine isn't doing much these days besides watching Knicks games from courtside.

  25. in his defense, johnny be good was sublime.
