Friday, June 27, 2008

Hey Knicks fans, remember the last foreign 7 footer you drafted?

Hint: He's the guy standing firmly on the ground. (Kudos to whatever YouTuber set multiple replays of this dunk to that Geto Boyz track)


  1. The Knicks are good at drafting people who are good at basketball.

  2. Try this link instead.

  3. What a fun and depressing list.

  4. I still remember the '96 clusterfuck, when they had picks 18, 19 and 21 and ended up with these basketball luminaries:

    Dontae' Jones
    Walter McCarty
    John Wallace

  5. I must say, if you have the time, go read Mark's (and Jerry's, and Geoff's, and even rob's and mine to an extent) draft comments. There are some real gems in there.

  6. Looks like Mark's Draft After Party got a little out of control...

  7. The '96 draft wasn't terrible considering they were picking late. They got three guys who all led their teams to the Final Four. Unfortunately, none of those three guys were sufficiently good at basketball to average more than 8 PPG for their career.

  8. He's the gift that just keeps on giving:

    LAS VEGAS (AP) - O.J. Simpson says an ambitious Nevada prosecutor is pressing a kidnapping and armed robbery case against him that he says even the alleged victims don't want to pursue.

    "If I was anybody else, I wouldn't be going to court," Simpson told a reporter for Fargo, N.D., radio station KFGO who interviewed him late Tuesday at a Fargo cigar bar. Simpson was vacationing in eastern North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota.

    "How many trials have you ever heard of where both of the victims say they don't want this guy to go to jail, they don't want to go to court, and you still go to court?" Simpson asked. "It's only me.

    "But unfortunately for me," Simpson said, "I got like a bull's eye on my front, dollar sign on my back, you get involved with people who want to be governor and stuff."

  9. The Weis pick was 100 times worse. They passed on Ron Artest. I'm still emotionally scarred.

  10. New Jersey, most ninjas per square mile?

    BARNEGAT, N.J. (AP) - It's the case of the nonexistent ninja. Public schools in Barnegat were locked down briefly after someone reported seeing a ninja running through the woods behind an elementary school.

    Turns out the ninja was actually a camp counselor dressed in black karate garb and carrying a plastic sword.

  11. Zoltan with the rarely used "Ron Artest was the answer to my team's problems" argument. Didn't see that coming...

  12. Thats a pretty fantastic clip. I wish Vince Carter were still alive.

  13. Or "was still alive"...those 23 vodka shots were a bad idea.

  14. Ron Artest was more of a solution than Frederic Weis. At least someone would trade for Artest.

  15. The post-Weis draft period provided some of the best sports talk radio of all-time on the FAN.

  16. Rhyme-O, booze up nicely for this:

    Sidney Ponson will make his first start as a Yankee today when he faces the Mets in the second game of a doubleheader.

  17. So 3 of the 4 starters today are Sidney Ponson, Mike Pelfrey, and GE CEO Don Geiss?

    And we've got a combined $350 million payroll? That's some good stuff.

  18. Geiss' daughter is getting loose in the pen...with a matchbox car in her mouth.

  19. The Yanks shouldve called up Igawa for comedic purposes.

  20. buzz bissinger. i mean. jesus. what a self-righteous turd.
