Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ceai Complet: Hyperbole Edition



  1. On a completely different note, Asdrubal Cabrera of the Indians turned just the 14th unassisted triple play in MLB history last night, though I will note that for such a rare feat it's a pretty boring highlight.

  2. No regard. None. No esteem neither.

  3. If he had dunked on Cassell, would Harlan have been quick enough to alter it to "alien life"?

  4. Asdrubal Cabrera's feat is exciting news for fans of juvenilia, if only because there's now someone in the record books whose name is actually pronounced "Ass-Dribble."

  5. interesting historical symmetry, as the first player ever to turn the unassisted triple trick was bill wambsganss, whose last name was pronounced, to his everlasting chagrin, "swamp ass".

  6. Let the fun begin:

    Mike D'Antoni isn't expected to waste time before remolding the Knicks in his image -- sources indicate that he will try to trade for Suns players Leandro Barbosa and Boris Diaw, possibly using Stephon Marbury's contract to get the deal done.

    The incentive for the Knicks is obvious, while the Suns could unload two players who have reportedly fallen out of favor with management. Marbury's bloated contract expires in July of 2009, promising significant salary cap relief should the Suns agree to such a deal. After seeing the Suns trade Shawn Marion for Shaq, very little would surprise us.

  7. Don't get me started on the Diaw and Barbosa rumors. They are due a combined $64 MM over the next four years, while Starbury's contract will come off the books after next year. The trade only makes sense if the Knicks can also unload some of their big-breasted big men (Curry, Randolph and/or Jerome James) in the deal.

    I'm on the fence about the D'Antoni signing. It will be interesting to see if he can alter his approach with a very different roster. Eastern Conference teams that run and gun never make it to the NBA Finals. Is he only known as a fast break guy? Riley adopted his approach with the Knicks and Nellie changes his approach with every different team he coaches. Both have been successful in multiple places. Maybe D'Antoni can make something out of those lumps of shit in blue and orange.
