Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Audacity of Elitism

Here at G:TB we rarely delve into the world of politics. Frankly, the entire endeavor is the antithesis of the Gheorghian creed: politicians by definition, it seems, take themselves far too seriously and so do the various hangers-on, court jesters, and media types that make their livings as remorae to the hyper-self-centered sharks that run the country. G:TB is not a place for political debate - there are a ton of great salons on the web chock-full of insightful commentary that skews exactly to how you, the reader, want your own opinion validated. (And not for nothing, I do love me the entertainment of the horse-race aspects of our political system, so that's not a swipe, just an observation.)

So consider this momentary detour a brief glimpse into the abyss before a return to your regularly scheduled ridiculousness. (Stay tuned for an exposition of the following thesis: Todd McShay is to Mel Kiper as the Chickenhawk is to Foghorn Leghorn. Seriously.)

Friend of Gheorghe Jon Stewart weighed in Monday night on the ongoing contretemps regarding Barack Obama's purported elitism:
You know... I hear what you're all saying, but doesn't "elite" mean good? Is that not something we're looking for in a president anymore? You know what, candidates? Come with me [to Camera 3].

I know "elite" is a bad word in politics, and you want to go bowling and throw back a few beers. But the job you're applying for? If you get it, and it goes well... they might carve your head into a mountain. If you don't actually think you're better than us, then what the fuck are you doing?
Well, I mean...if you put it that way.