Wednesday, March 05, 2008

OK, Rick. If you say so...

While G:TB:PR prepares its annual brief to the NCAA selection committee, we'd like to hand the microphone to our favorite high-calorie cager coach, The King of Carbs himself, for an important announcement. Attention please:


  1. 95 minute finale of The Wire on Sunday...oh yeah.

  2. Speaking of Mr. Gay, I hope everyone caught his posterization of a scared shitless Joakim Noah last night.

  3. jacksonville/mercer @ 3:15. a-sun quarters, baby. who's with me?

  4. Yea...that was,um, more than a little bit nasty.

    Also, the Simmons/Whitlock "Wire" podcast is pretty solid.

  5. there's a good back and forth on the wire at, too.

  6. I just finished listening to the podcast and I highly recommend it as a time waster. Whitlock finally came around to my side on the greatest Wire scene of all-time.

    Also, Whitlock has a really cool theory on why the kids were introduced to the storyline that relates to many of the adult characters.

    Finally, my gf and were talking about the show today and she told me that the actor who plays Prop Joe (rip) is an acting coach and taught each of the four boys for the last few years.

  7. remind me of your nominee for top scene, mark

  8. When Avon tells Stringer he doesn't have the heart for the street, and he's not sure if he ever did. Only to have Stringer reply that, he might want to reconsider that stance since he ordered the killing of D'Angelo in jail.

  9. ah, yes. i'm struggling coming up with a single scene. the end of season 2 when frank sabotka walks to his death is great, as is the scene where ziggy goes into jail. i need time to ponder.

  10. My brother met the guy who plays Chris Partlow. He's currently in a play at my brother's theater.

  11. omar was in 'gone baby gone' or maybe 'the departed' (same difference). it was weird.

  12. anybody want to bet on american to win tonight? i got holy cross in the dreaded 8-1 upset.

  13. I saw Bubbles in some movie when I was flipping through the channels on like HBO or Showtime or something. I didn't really watch it and I don't know the name of it. His character was a regular guy...who I just naturally assumed was a reformed drug addict.

  14. It was Gone Baby Gone, my gf and I had a lengthy discussion about whether his scar was real or not during the movie (it is) b/c it got blocked out a bit during an early scene.

    Since we're here, we also had this discussion, what are the chances that Marlo ever plays another character as influential or well known again in his career? I don't think its very high, there's not a ton of roles for black actors and his youth & appearance make it likley he'll be nothing more than a bit part guy from here on out.

  15. yeah, i gotta believe you're right about that, mark. shame, too, 'cause he's pure malevolence onscreen. he could definitely carry a major role in something else. not to overstate the obvious.

  16. jacksonville opening it up against mercer. my brother artis gilmore is all kinds of pumped.

  17. What about Brother Mouzzone? They should bring him back.
