Monday, March 24, 2008

Gheorghe Quotes the Classics(?): Vol. 4

First full week of Spring, one day before baseball season opens, a few days to kill before the peeps come back for the Sweet Sixteen, and miles upon miles of workaday banality stretch before me, so G:TB offers a little perspective on our worldview:

"All research begins with ignorance. The ability to focus on what it is that you do not know is critical to doing research. I'm absolutely convinced that none of us understands the world.

I'm not a person that the world irritates, to quote Bill Buckley, but you turn on the radio and in any debate, you've got people who are convinced they know. Liberals, conservatives, Christians, Muslims, people who think Terry Francona is a genius, those that think he's an idiot. They're all convinced they've got this figured out. None of them has it figured out.

We do not understand the world; the world is billions of times more complicated than our minds.

You can make a useful contribution to a discussion if you can figure out specifically what it is you don't understand and try to work on it. If you try to start from the other end - 'I've got the world figured out and I'm going to explain it to everybody' - maybe there are a lot of people who succeed in doing that, but it doesn't work for me." -- Bill James


  1. That's a core principle of Gheorghian philosophy. Welcome aboard the Gheorghewagon, Bill.

  2. I think TJ has it all figured out.

  3. I figured out the world once in 1997, down to every last detail. But then the shrooms wore off.

  4. I'd like a serving of the pretentious crap.

  5. don't get whitney angry, greg. you wouldn't like him when he's angry.

  6. I went to the Celtics game last night. Some guy from the Navy hit a free throw blindfolded, then a three-pointer blindfolded, both on the first try, nothing but net. He won free lazik surgery. It's the most excited I've ever been at a pro basketball game.

  7. Traditional blindfold or feminine hygiene product?

  8. The traditional blindfold that I remember involved a feminine hygeine product.

  9. Fucking Cuse...are they really gonna blow this lead?

  10. No kid in college misses more two foot bunnies than Onuaku

  11. That is fucking atrocious. Blow a 22 point lead at home to end your already disappointing season. Lose twice in the same season to fucking UMass at the Carrier Dome.


  12. That and the Pitt loss are karmic payback for Beoheim calling a fan an idiot when he questioned his early 2nd half slow down tactics earlier this year. And now, I'm awfully concerned about Florida blowing this double digit first half lead to ASU...

  13. Why the hell would Elton Brand come back for the last six games of the Clips season?

  14. Beacause he's a free agent and wants to prove his health to potential suitors before his last major contract.

  15. Isn't it just as likely he comes back too soon and reinjures himself?
