Monday, January 14, 2008

Some Thoughts on Mustaches

The mustache has been creeping back into America’s consciousness of late, an event that could not make me happier. Perhaps, as the son of a Middle Eastern immigrant, I stand apart from the crowd in my hirsute jubilance. Do I (or, for that matter, Should I) feel incomplete as the son of a Persian man because I don’t sport upper-lip hair? Whatever the answer may be, I may have a lower social hurdle to overcome in the near future, for the mustache appears to be making a comeback (or, at the very least, a death rattle).

As a product of 1980’s pop culture, I was raised with images of alpha males like Tom Selleck, Ron Guidry, Charles Bronson, Keith Hernandez, Bobby Nystrom, Billy Martin, Ron Jeremy, Don Mattingly, Burt Reynolds, Joey Silviera, Goose Gossage and Hulk Hogan. Even the Hulkster’s first big rival was the mustachioed Iron Sheik! They represented the end-all be-all of tough guy cool. They drove fast cars, won World Series, had money, and/or banged Nina Hartley. I also envied Mr. T, but his look was a bit audacious for all but the most enterprising suburban 9 year-olds. It wasn't until I was older that I realized how much he looked like a cross between a gay genie and a seventh member of the Village People. Is that redundant?

(Brief aside: When I was a kid, my father tried to get me backstage at a WWF event in Asbury Park, NJ so we could meet the Iron Sheik. My father phonied up his Persian accent and convinced the security guard that we had traveled a great distance to meet the Sheik. The security guard bought our story, went backstage, and came back with….Salvatore Bellomo. That’s like trying to meet Mike Schmidt and getting Garth Iorg.)

In the last year, the sports world has shown us a ‘stache resurgence. Jason Giambi let it rip on his upper lip for a while last season and maintained the look because he was hitting fairly well with it. Just recently, Jason Kidd sported some hair up there. I wish I could complete the New York-area pro sports angle four ways with Jasons, but Jason Sehorn and Jason Blake are long gone from metropolitan area teams, and neither really seemed like the type.

We’ve even seen hipsters adopting the mustache these days. Johnny Depp is doing his own thing with it, but he may as well be a Frenchman these days, so we can discount him. Same for Sean Penn. Billy Crudup has occasionally sported a ‘stache since his stint as Russell Hammond in Almost Famous, as has co-star Jason Lee in his current performance as Earl. In the 1990’s, fellow William & Mary graduate Jason Ross, from Seven Mary Three, was an early adopter of the retro-handlebar mustache look, but that look is one that lies on a slippery slope. To wear a handlebar mustache is to risk being classified like the Sopranos’ own Johnny Cakes, inviting some unwanted attention (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
I am rooting for a mustache revival, not only for selfish reasons, but to redeem a generation of film idols, rock stars and professional athletes that established social norms for millions of American youngsters like myself in the 1980’s. For when we think of the decay of the mustache, we think of the ascension of the hair metal era. And that evokes painful memories that none of us want to revisit.

To read more, I recommend visiting the web site of the American Mustache Institute:

I also recommend you visit to read about a way to combine the cool of a ‘stache with philanthropy this Movember.


  1. As soon as I saw the subject of the post, I knew it had to be my man from Money Earnin' Mt. Vernon.

  2. Jake Plummer had a doozy of a soup strainer for a spell. Now he plays handball. I think you see the connection.

  3. For the record, men from Money Earnin' Mt. Vernon include Michael Imperioli, "Captain" Lou Albano, Denzel Washington and Sean Combs. That's a strong lineup.

  4. According to the Interweb, that list also includes Dick Clark, Heavy D, David Chase, Art Carney, Ken Singleton, Gus Williams, E.B. White, and Phylicia Rashad. (And I know you said "men".)

    An interesting and noteworthy collection of folks.

  5. that's a worthy debut. beware the sophomore slump. also, the freshman 15.

  6. The debut is strong...the commenter name change might be stronger.

  7. how did adam morrison's wispy lip fuzz fail to attract a mention?

  8. Not to get too technical, but isn't a handlebar mustache the kind that curls up on the ends that was popular about 100 years ago? And I think the Johnny Cakes kind is called a fu-manchu. I could be wrong though.

  9. Not 'stache-related, but it should be mentioned the Wiz just beat Boston again last night. The Wiz are now 20-16, winners of three straight and seven of ten, and still in 4th in the East.

  10. pitt looked surprisingly tough against gheorghetown last night. hoyas couldn't hit the broad side a barn, but that's still a good win for jamie dixon's boys.

  11. "of"

    it's a crucial little word.

  12. Rob, we've often said you are the "of" of Gheorghe: The Blog. Things don't sound so great without you, little buddy.

  13. I've been trumpeting the stache for years and have been one of the few to follow through -- mustache gifts for selected vacations and bachelor parties, culminating in 4 pictures of Mayhugh tickling me while the two of us sat on a moped in Greece. Good times.

  14. we're gonna need to see those pictures.

  15. I'm not sure if they're fit for public consumption, so I got Mayhugh to post them on his blog.

  16. I found that clicking on the pictures allows for the full detail of the stache.

  17. That is an impressive sequence of photos.

  18. those are glorious. that makes my day.

  19. The Hiphopapotomus would be proud of this post.

    In other Timmy Rez style news. . .
