Thursday, January 10, 2008

Malik, can I write check?

The Rockets beat the Knicks last night, Isiah managed to get himself tossed, and Yao Ming did this to Malik Rose...


  1. What's with slutty looking Olsen twin and Jim Morrison at the end of that clip? Was that a botched subliminal thing?

    Man, I don't know why, but I wanna take some acid, get a hooker, and watch Full House...

  2. See...Roy Hibbert can't do that....

  3. You know, I thought the same thing watching the clip. And did you catch the announcer (who I think is Clyde Frazier) drop the "...with dexterity, agility, hostility..." line?

    You won't hear that about Roy...ever.

  4. I would like to make a bet regarding Roy Hibbert....I'll say he is on an NBA roster for at least 8 years and in the starting lineup for at least one game in at least 4 of those years...Geofferson do you accept?

    Should we include point and rebound totals in this too??

    Wager is one case of Fratural Light - assuming we know each other in 4 years (or 8 if it takes that long)...

  5. That is a ridiculous bet.

    If you think Geoff won't have graduated to a higher (snootier) class of friends by 2016, you're fooling yourself. I will bet you the same case of beer that you're kicked to the curb by the time of the London Olympics.

  6. That includes TJ, too. Geoff will still keep Jerry's number in his Blackberry so that when rival candidates accuse him of being prejudice he can say he has a gay friend.

  7. that is one of the more absurd prank gambling episodes i've personally witnessed. kudos.

  8. Well Whit, under normal circumstances I'd take your bet, but since odds are with you being dead by 2016, even if I win, collecting could be problematic. So, sounds like a lose-lose to me. I'd have to talk to Mayhugh about things like assumed debts and next of kin and shit like that before serious consideration...

    But you underestimate my ability to hob knob with the best of them. Despite my redneck roots, I've been to Martha's Vineyard, the Italian Riviera, Virginia Beach and many other fancy places I can't even pronounce...

  9. Geoff, you have to take that bet...and someone has to remember this. Can't be Whit or Rob, they'll be senile by then.

  10. i remember doing that to whitney when i was a nicks star.

  11. Okay, that is a really absurd bet...I would prefer it be that he starts at least 30 games in any of four seasons. And by 2016 I'm either going to running my own one man lobbying firm from a bar stool at Bobby Van's, or a stay at home dad with four kids and a scratch handicap. But you are on...2016 payoff...I'll buy you a glass of whatever Four Streams has on tap.

  12. Make it 20 games and we've got a bet....

  13. And if you are a stay at home Dad, your handicap will only rise my can bet on that.

  14. What if I'm a stay at home deadbeat golfing dad? 20 games? Make it 25...

  15. i'm beyond impressed that you two are negotiating this intently on a bet with an 8-year window. slow news day, indeed.

  16. Lock it up.

    I am going to lose this bet most horrendously. But, like my wife says, "I'm rooting for the big stiff."

  17. So, it's a bet. Put it in the book... 25 games or more as an NBA starter four different seasons between now and 2016. This is gonna be awesome.

  18. i think we need a new blog to track this bet.


  19. We need a separate blog to track all of our agers, with little tables, standings, and countdown graphocs where appropriate.

    TJ, you're on it.

  20. This is why we need an intern, to take care of all our "agers" and "graphocs".

  21. - i'll set it up this evening.

  22. Why is Eddie Currie allowed to wear Oakley's number?

  23. That's an astute observation to make after he's played over 180 games with the Knicks, Drew. Clearly, Isiah has you hooked.

    The real question you should be asking is why anybody was allowed to wear Kenny "Sky" Walker's number.

    Kenny Walker = Sinbad + Kid (from Kid n Play)

  24. On the topic of retired numbers, Dave Winfield played 1,172 games for the Yankees over 9+ seasons, yet they never retired his number.

    I would love to put this question to Elias:

    What's the highest number of games a Hall of Fame player has played for a team that didn't retire his number? I'm sure Winfield isn't the highest, but he's got to be close.

    I think Steinbrenner told Winfield that NY would retire his number if he went into the Hall as a Yankee. Winfield said he would do it if he was paid b/c of all the shit Steinbrenner put him through.

    I'm sure this post will spark a flurry of excited comments...

  25. is ted leonsis trying to bankrupt the entire nhl? how does any player in that sport get $124m over 13 years, even one as terrific as ovechkin?

    okay. that's our hockey thought for the season. let's get back to prank gambling and roy hibbert.

  26. Wade Boggs played 1,625 (regular season) games for the Red Sox, and to my knowledge they have not retired his number. The American Beer Drinkers Association has, though.

    That Winfield lasted nearly a decade in the Bronx was a miracle. Steinbrenner's "Mr. May" comment, among other undercutting maneuvers, plus the seagull thing, plus the fact that Don Mattingly became the face of the franchise upon his arrival all created an uneasy acceptance of Winfield as a Yankee.

    Which is retarded -- the guy was an amazing player, an incredibly gifted athlete, and by most accounts a good dude. He could have been the cornerstone of nearly any other franchise, but nobody can be bigger than Big Stein in Yankee Stadium. What a joke.

  27. I actually thought the Eddie Currie wearing #34 business was bullschtein a while ago, but with whom would I have discussed it? And how many Knicks clips does TeeJaysche post? The ratio of Knickerbockers to talking unicorns is disturbingly low.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you had a son and if you were a Knicks fan, would you buy your son a jersey with any current Knick's name on it? I would not. These guys are totally unlikeable.

  28. The fact that no one has mentioned that Winfield infect literally hundreds of NY women with herpes is the upset of the morning.

  29. That's more of a Wheelhouse angle on the topic.

  30. Can you back up the herpes claim? I've never heard anything about that.

    Winny tanked in the 1981 World Series, the Yanks blew a 2-0 Series lead and Steinbrenner never forgave him for it. That started the downward spiral that was the 1980's Yankees.

    I guess Boggs will be perpetually villefied (sp?) by Beantowners for leaving to go to the Yanks? Did he go into the Hall with a Sox cap on his plaque?

  31. Wade went in with the Sox "B" on his cap, as well he should have.

    I will let Rob give his two cents on the subject; in the meantime, I didn't think he was vilified, necessarily, but I got the sense like the Beantowners never embraced him all that wholeheartedly.

    When the Bostonites adore a Yaz, a Pudge, a Dewey, you definitely know it. I couldn't quite tell what it was about Boggs that he didn't get the same level of rah rah. He was such a great hitter -- and hit very well in the postseason, which is a knock on some guys. He came up through the Sox ranks, as opposed to some free agents who never fit in. He even had a great 80's Sox moustache. It can't be that the Pilgrims of New England disapproved of his Margo Adams thing, right?

  32. A woman sued Winfield for giving her the herps...that's the basis for my claim.

  33. Oh, but Tim is right, once he went with the Yanks even the Boggs enthusiasts soured on him. The image of him in pinstripes riding on the back of a police horse after the Yanks won the World Series -- not to mention getting his 3000th hit as a member of the lowly Devil Dogs -- is a chafe to anyone who ever enjoyed Boggs as a Fenway mainstay in the 1980's, taking each and every first pitch of an at-bat and rapping out 200+ hits a year.

  34. boggs had a well-earned reputation for caring more about his stats than the team. that's the big issue sox fans had with him. he'd rather hit .350 with 200 singles than .320 with 180 singles and 20 homers.

  35. I'm not sure that math works out, but I get your point.

  36. I'm pretty sure it was all the chicken. Boston's more of a seafood town.

  37. i was told there'd be no math. but, yes, that was moronic.
