Monday, December 10, 2007

That's an Unfortunate Choice of Words

From this morning, the following headline:

Scott Baio, Backstreet Boy get married

They've since changed it to read:

Scott Baio gets married, Backstreet Boy, too

But the damage was done, my friends, the damage was done.

I'm not certain which is the most interesting element of the story: the fact that Scott Baio and an unnamed Backstreet Boy are noteworthy enough to rate front-"page" mention on, or the recognition that we've got a subversive smarty-pants writing headlines for the news behemoth.


  1. It's the suspenders that made Joey Fatone really love him.

  2. tribe got a nice (and damn sure expected) win on friday - and now don't play until 12/20. something about "exams" and "student-athletes". why do we have to be the only school in the country where those words mean anything? doesn't gene nichol know that the best way to get revenge on the ncaa is to let in a bunch of non-qualifiers and juco transfers, win the ncaa tournament, and then bust out a bunch of feather-bedecked garb?

  3. "Clinton Feels Nation's Pain, Boobs"

  4. Have it your way, indeed:

    MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) -- A man who says he bit into a Burger King sandwich and found an unwrapped condom inside has sued the owner of the restaurant.

    Van Miguel Hartless, 24, of Fair Haven, said Friday he bought the Southwestern Whopper at a Burger King in Rutland on June 18 and made the discovery when he got home and started eating it.

    "My third bite into the burger, it was just a foreign taste," he said. "It was a very sour, bitter sort of taste. It almost had a numbing sensation.

    "As I went to bite down a little harder, I felt a rubber grind in between my teeth. I saw it half in my mouth, half hanging out. It was an immediate sick-to-my-stomach type of thing."

  5. lot of radio talk on the way home tonight about whether mike vick returns to the nfl after he gets out of jail. barring something out of the ordinary, the guy's gonna still be one of the top 10 athletes in the league in 2 years. he may not be a quarterback again, but someone'll take a flyer on that talent. it's a mortal lock.
