Thursday, December 06, 2007

Gheorghe Quotes the Classics, Vol. 3

"Take everything you like seriously, except yourselves." - Rudyard Kipling

Teejay posts YouTubes when he can't think of anything else. Me, I find quotes to justify my laziness. We all know what Whitney does, but everyone seems to be afraid to mention it in public.


  1. allow me to be the first in the g:tb/wheelhouse family to officially predict that the caa only gets one bid to the ncaa tourney this year. yeah, i'm way out there buckwild on a limb.

  2. It's early, my friend. VCU and Mason will both be knocking on that door.

  3. if, and it's a big if, mason doesn't win the conference tourney, then they might get a bid. but vcu's not thick enough if they don't win the tourney. that maryland win isn't gonna mean much at the end of the year.

  4. plus, the rest of the conference keeps losing to crap teams, so mason and vcu will see their rpi suffer as a result.

  5. You don't see big things from Greivis "Error" Vasquez and Bambale "Bilk" Osby?

    I'll agree with you that the CAAers haven't gotten off to a spectacular start, but it's still early enough for more than one school to salvage some respectability in and out of the conference.

  6. We'll get you back to "The Debate No One Cared About" after this message from Musingwear.

  7. Wait, did you actually just log in and post a comment to say you don't care about what we're talking about? Could be a long day for you if you feel the urge to do that with every blog out there that doesn't hold your interest.

  8. Good news--just posting that on this blog. As you were...

  9. could be a long day just on this blog.
