Monday, November 12, 2007

Gheorghe Quotes the Classics, Vol. 2

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious." - Brendan Gill

Preach on, Brother Gill. Whoever you are (were).

Teejay is winging his way across the country for a week in Sin City. Whitney claims to be busy with work. So you will listen to every damn word I say today. Nearly all of which will be ill-conceived and poorly framed. We're considering (and most likely dismissing) intellectual discussions of the following topics:
  • An exposition on the relative merits of the coaching stylings of Joe Gibbs v2.0 and Andy Reid. We'll likely leave this one alone because it will, by definition, require profanity and questionable judgment on our part. Let's just say that the level of dumbfoundedness displayed yesterday by highly-paid professional leaders of men may be unprecedented.
  • A discussion of the various proposition bets G:TB will be making while Teejay is in Vegas. If you think we're passing up the opportunity to get the Field (everyone but New England) to win the Super Bowl at 4:1, you're more clueless than Joe Gibbs and Andy Reid.
  • Extended sentimental waxings about the sacrifices my father and his fellow Veterans made to allow the rest of us to freely pursue life, liberty, happiness, and the right to blog snarkily. If anyone actually read this blog, I might actually follow through on that idea. Except for the fact that my Cowboy-lover Dad made fun of the Redskins last night - way to ruin it for everyone, Colonel.
  • Have we mentioned that Joe Gibbs and Andy Reid were singularly putrid yesterday afternoon? Almost Norvelous, in fact.
  • Cautious optimism for the William and Mary men's hoopsters after their closer-than-the-score-indicated 68-53 loss to No. 5 Gheorghetown on Saturday. W&M was within 2 points at 48-46 before the Hoyas wore them down. The CAA's pre-season 9th-place team may surprise some people on their way to another 8-10 conference record.
  • Kudos to our brothers in blogging at Jerry's Wheelhouse for an on-air mention on this morning's First Team on Fox radio program. Jerry's all growns up.
  • Bonus "Bite Me Randy Newman' programming when Dustin Pedroia gets announced as the 2007 AL Rookie of the Year.
  • Bitter rantings about the heightist conspiracy in this country when Dustin Pedroia gets bypassed for 2007 AL Rookie of the Year.
Please join me in the Comments section for a rousing discussion of the scope and scale of the trouble Teejay will get into during a week in Las Vegas.


  1. I expect TJ's Vegas Week recap to include each of the following words:

    wedding chapel
    Wayne Newton
    beautiful babies

  2. also:

    i know dave feldman
    it was elizabeth's fault

  3. Always bet on black...licorice.

  4. i'm guessing we won't hear him say, "i'll have the chili".

  5. I think I heard him say that your chili needed a bit more ketchup.

  6. TJ got very excited at the Pour House on saturday over two things:

    1) the very attractive (female) bartender's shirt that had the SMurfs on it.

    2) A giant plate of ketchup. Seriously, I'm not kidding about that.

  7. They had a Goulet tribute/funeral this weekend. I think TJ might see something about it.

  8. I blew up the Frontier Casino last night.

  9. i think you inserted an 'up' there where it doesn't belong.

  10. Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs. It's the hot material.

  11. Gibbs 2.0 is a lot like Superman II. With some very good intentions and some bad judgment, the formerly superhuman Coach Joe returned to the NFL as a mere mortal to see what it was like and try another way. The pounding he's taking by other NFL clubs, the press, and even the most stalwart among his loyal fans is not unlike the ass-kicking Clark Kent took in that diner. He's confused by how powerless he is over his fate for the first time.

    If only there were a way to go into a magic chamber and reverse things so that he could become all-powerful while the rest of the NFL lost their power over him once again. Sadly, this is where the two stories diverge. This is where it's starting to resemble Superman IV, an absolute train wreck of a film that nearly ruined the whole thing for people and indirectly led our hero to his well-publicized, untimely demise.

  12. Wow, it's funny. Where I started to go with that strained analogy was that Joe Gibbs was and still should be a superhero in our minds, lest his recent inability to lead his squadron to wins cloud our memories. I still revere the guy for his 1981-1993 oversight, way more than I can be disappointed for his 2004-??? oversights. And I think that's how we all should feel in Redskinland.

    So before we stoop much further in the Gibbs blanket party, I'm going to try to remember who that is we're zeroing in on. Not a man above all reproach, but a legend 'round these parts, even if he's off his game these days.
