Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is it college hoops time already?

Well, not exactly, but we are getting damn close. And, just to show you how serious G:TB is about bringing you the best in college hoops information, we are teaming up with (mooching off of?) the wonderful work Michael Litos does at his "The CAA: Life as a Mid-Major" blog. Today, Rob and Whit, along with the Extrapolator, took an axe to the piss-poor Lindy magazine CAA pre-season rankings (I of course am extremely lazy and contributed nothing to this effort, but hey look, I found a CAA logo for this post, so suck it Trebek). Gheorghe's goal will be to dissect the CAA hoops season (Hi Bruiser!) as much as possible over the next 5 months, with an obvious tilt to the sleeping giant that is Tribe Basketball (it's really hard to type when you're laughing so hard). Anyway, go read what Rob, Whit, Extra P and MGL wrote today. It's better than watching Mike Gundy lose his shit for the 40th time.


  1. I have to ask, where did all of this come from? Did you even go to a game when they were playing across the street from your home for 3 years?

  2. Don't get me wrong. Tribe Pride and all that good stuff. Roll Tribe, etc.

  3. Of course we went to games. We weren't there for every game (loss), but we saw a decent number of games (losses) during our time. Squirrel could rattle off the records of the teams we supported, and it wasn't pretty. And we didn't just go when Duke came to town and blew our doors off. From Curtis Pride to Jimmy Apple to Thomas Roberts to Todd Cauthorn to Scott Smith to [insert some stiff's name here], we watched the Tribe lose plenty of games. We didn't have the numbers of the Kappa Sig white section, but we were frequent enough attendees to have our running dopey witticisms about Small, Peters and Cox plus big Duff and the like.

    Because, see, we didn't have cable in the house back then. In fact, only a couple of guys had TV's. Big sporting events on television were watched exclusively on the "big" TV in the pit. We were deprived in many ways, which left us to do things like go to basketball games and invent moronic drinking games.

    And yeah, we're old.

  4. I can sense the relash coming on the whole Vick thing. And here's how it's going to play out:

    1. Vick's indictment angers a lot of people.

    2. The backlash comes against this anger by prominent blacks who say that the anti-Vick vitriol is fueled because he's a "prominent African-American" and there are more grave current events that the general public should focus on

    3. The relash will come when people will say, "this is how I feel and who are you to tell me what to be mad about?". Eventually this will be distilled into a "whites' disgust with Vick registers a 7 on a scale of 1-10 but blacks' are only a 2 or a 3".

    Right now, we're in the "backlash" phase of the Vick thing. The relash will happen in about 3-4 weeks.

  5. I figured you went to games, but I was talking to TJ.

  6. I didn't realize there was an actual amount of "games attended" required to write goofy blog posts. But since you're such a stickler, I attended several Tribe games over the years, some of which were with you dummy.

  7. Come to think of it, what does any of that have to do with breaking down the upcoming CAA season?

  8. Establishes credibility, your honor. Sorry, too much Law & Order.

    Gheorghe doesn't discriminate based on number of Tribe games attended. Preach on, Teej.

    And Jerry, when you are specifically talking to TJ, please use the address: "Dear Doofus Overlord..."

  9. Got a bunch of Buddy Ryans here. I already knew Whitney went to the games because his college career consisted exclusively of worthy activities that can be bragged about 20 years later.

  10. This is all taking too much time away from my Bruiser Flint biography.

  11. i worked for the athletic department - attended waaay too many awful losses. i sat at the scorer's table, close enough to see chuck swenson completely befuddled in more than one late-game huddle. i was there when thomas roberts dunked on duke to give the tribe a 2-0 lead. and i was there when duke ran the tribe out of the gym for the rest of the game on the way to a 109-76 final. i was also there when the tribe made up a 23-point deficit on uva to send the game to overtime. and lose.

  12. You could make a hit movie out of the college stories I haven't even gotten to yet.

  13. Anyone else think it's stupid to already have bye weeks in the NFL? They've only played 3 games so far...couldn't they at least wait to Week 6 or so?

  14. Jerry got me with the Buddy Ryans...though in the future I suggest we use a much more obscure defensive coordinator...--what about Jerry's boy Spagnoli or whatever it is?

  15. i'm getting teejay the first hat in this post for christmas:

