Thursday, August 16, 2007

There's no way this is real...right?

You'd think after two plus years of searching YouTube I wouldn't be surprised by what I find. But this...this...I mean, really?


  1. I've watched it 7 or 8 times now, and the top of the hoop stays in the frame (barely) even while she's in the air...if this is real, she must not be too bright to allow those meatheads to convince her it was a good idea.

  2. I'm getting some feedback that it is indeed fake, which doesn't surprise me. HOWEVAH, it's still fun to watch.

  3. I saw this a day or so ago but forget where.

    If it's fake (which I hope it is), she does a good job of playing up the head pain caused by hitting the rim on the way through.

  4. Also, the celebration part of the guy riding the other guy like a donkey...well, I chuckled at that.

  5. And is it really necessary for that one guy to jump on his buddy's back and ride him like a horse? I'm thinking no.

  6. Yeah, great minds. Just what I was thinking.

  7. You pipe down pal, or we'll have to spend the rest of the afternoon discussing how great you Cardinals have looked lately and how they're only 2 back in the loss column and how even Kip Wells is winning games...

  8. And to think, I came back just to post this for you:

    I'm hurt.

  9. I always appreciate a good Gheorghe clip...though it would've been nice if the person who posted it to YouTube hadn't used their camera phone to record a warped Betamax version of the commercial.

  10. You're quite the curmudgeon today.

  11. You know who I really dislike?

    Suzanne Vega.

  12. I think I'm also irritated that the Orioles are now a scrappy team and won't just roll over and die. I'm sure Rob agrees, as Baltimore took two of three from both the Sox and Yanks in the last week. Fuckers.

    And, honestly, I hate Gary Sheffield a lot more than Suzanne Vega.

  13. i hope gary sheffield turns into a one-man wrecking crew over the next few days and then gets caught in a lawnmower. a large lawnmower, not some garden-variety home version.

  14. Suzanne Vega is terrific. Sure, "Luka" & the funked-up version of "Tom's Diner" got her on MTV, but "Left of Center" and "99.9° F" hold up a lot more nicely. For a New Yorker, she hasn't got a whole lot of rocking to her, but you can nurse a wicked hangover with the cool tones of Suzanne Vega any ol' Sunday morning.

    And now that I type this, I feel . . . baited.

  15. why does jamie mottram hate gtb?

  16. gtb? What happened to your colon, Rob? (And I'm not talking about that rumoured incident in the Sunken Garden... ba-dum-pum.)

  17. Yeah, for a guy who insisted on this naming convention...

    G:TB have become awfully slack lately.

  18. lazy. typing too fast. poison ivy. stress. comma envy.

    take your choice.

  19. Does he actively hate you guys or just passively? Are you just deducing this from the fact that he never links to g:tb?

  20. We all want to make the Blog Show, yet always get bumped...he actually has thrown us a bone quite a few times.

  21. indeed. he links quite frequently, but keeps us from the blog show like he has a grudge. pretty bastard.

  22. Did you mean "petty bastard"? Or did you actually think he's pretty? Like, does he have a pretty Dennis does?

  23. Maybe he heard you have RoadRunner rather than AOL?

  24. no, pretty. he's quite dreamy, or so i've heard.

  25. wow, even fake homoeroticism clears out the room in here. something you boys want to talk about?

  26. Yes, let's discuss how awful these people are:

    BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese couple tried to name their baby "@", claiming the character used in e-mail addresses echoed their love for the child, an official trying to whip the national language into line said on Thursday.

  27. The @ has different names in different languages: In England it is called at-sign or commercial at, in Germany Klammeraffe (hanging monkey), in France arobas or petit escargot (small snail), in Spain arroba (an entity for weight) and in Italy chiocciolina (small snail).

  28. Okay, I watched the video frame-by-frame and she does NOT go through the hoop. She just goes in front of it and somehow they get it to pop-up like she just swished through. Good camera work though.

  29. Your tax dollars at work:

    Aug. 16 (Bloomberg) -- A small South Carolina parts supplier collected about $20.5 million over six years from the Pentagon for fraudulent shipping costs, including $998,798 for sending two 19-cent washers to an Army base in Texas, U.S. officials said.

  30. Well, well, well...looks like Genius Jim has added yet another trifling outfielder to the mix:

    Wily Mo Pena has been traded to the Nationals, according to the Boston Herald.

  31. Yeah, this was fake back in 2004 when it was made. They did the jump in front of the basket - anyone who could pull something this dangerous off would have been smart enough to have shown the floor so people knew it was legit

    Anybody can hold their head and pretend to be hurt. Look, I'll do it right now!

    Here's your requisite Snopes link.;t=000713; p=0

  32. Is this one a hoax too?

  33. Johan Santana today: 8 IP, 2 hits, no walks, 17 Ks.


  34. Stupid fucking Arkansas:

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A law passed this year allows Arkansans of any age - even infants - to marry if their parents agree, and the governor may have to call a special session to fix the mistake, lawmakers said Friday.

    The legislation was intended to establish 18 as the minimum age to marry but also allow pregnant teenagers to marry with parental consent, bill sponsor Rep. Will Bond said. An extraneous "not" in the bill, however, allows anyone who is not pregnant to marry at any age if the parents allow it.

    "It's clearly not the intent to allow 10-year-olds or 11-year-olds to get married," Bond said. "The legislation was screwed up."

    The bill reads: "In order for a person who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age and who is not pregnant to obtain a marriage license, the person must provide the county clerk with evidence of parental consent to the marriage."
