Sunday, June 03, 2007

Where's the love for Kenny Lofton?

An HGH-infused Gary Matthews Jr. makes this catch last year and people act like he cured cancer. A 40-year-old (by 1 day) Kenny Lofton makes a similar spectacular catch Friday night and I see zero mention of it anywhere on the eBays. Where is the love people? I guess everyone was distracted by the greatest managerial ejection performance of all time (nothing can ever top that rosin bag/grenade move).


  1. Two of Lofton's teammates at Arizona: Sean Elliot and Sean Rooks. I did not know that.

  2. Mr. Donovan, I have Mr. Altman on Line 1...

    ...and Mr. Marshall on Line 2...

  3. the matthews catch was an order of magnitude greater than lofton's.

  4. Don't forget Mr. Cremins.

    As happy as I am to have Donovan backat UF, this only serves to make the Magic a bigger punchline. (sigh)

  5. And Mr. Belichick...and Danny Marino...

  6. and don't forget jimmye laycock, head coach of the boston college eagles for about 2 days.
