Friday, May 25, 2007

And so begins...Summer

No offense to Whit's poignant and solemn post below, but this is the Friday before Memorial Day, and I think we all know what that means: Summertime. So, aided by the 'House's Geoffrey (guess which video is his) and several Smithwick's, I give you my Top 5 "Beginning of Summer" music videos (there was going to be some film clips involved, but YouTube has failed me, and Mark Harmon, again). Enjoy the excessive YouTubes...I've got a beer waiting for me downstairs:

1. Summertime by Will Smith (um, what's up with the intro to this clip?)

2. Summer of 69
I mean, really, does it need words?

3. Summer Nights (from Grease)
All you theatre fans out there...enjoy. Plus, you know you all loved Olivia Newton-John at some point in time.

4. School's Out
I think my love for Alice is well established.

5. Summer in the City (by the Lovin' Spoonful)
A terrific classic rock song, plus, it's the intro scene of this third Willis film.


  1. Could have done wihtout the Grease inclusion...

  2.'re a Grease inclusion (courtesy of Gregory H.)

  3. Music trivia: Who can tell me the meaning of the Lovin' Spoonful's name? (Same as the band 10cc.)

  4. It's taken from a famous blues guy, yes? Mississippi John Hurt I think.

  5. I think G:TB needs a recap of a certain 16th President's day yesterday...

  6. I think g:tb needs to listen to the smooth music provided by the yacht rock era:

  7. So who's birthday party is Caron Butler going to be attending? I want to make sure I'm in town for that one.

  8. I sent him an evite for mine. His response was "maybe".

  9. Just don't invite Manu Ginobili...that guy's the worst.

  10. My hate for the Spurs grows with each passing game. Ginobilli is definitely my least favorite but they're all on my shitlist at this point.

  11. I doubt your boy Matt Bonner is on the shitlist.

  12. Oberto and his beef jerly can got straight to hell. Of course Bonner is cool with me. He'd have to do a whole lot worse than being overpaid by the Spurs to keep me from loving that goofy son of a bitch.

  13. Did anyone actually cut and paste Greg's link (get into the 90's with your sorry HTML, Greg)? I just spent the last hour and a half watching every episode of "Yacht Rock," laughing out loud, and wondering how quickly I can get my Star Wars, 70's, and western short films from college onto the Internet. If these guys are making more episodes, I want in.

  14. I'm not going to let you California vagina sailors stab the airwaves in the balls anymore with your shit music.

  15. Whit, thanks for the endorsement. I'm just trying to share the smooth music.

  16. Don't you want fame?? Fortune?? Fffffagina??

    It's amazing how much actual musical history they weaved into such a preposterous series of low-grade sketches (and how many songs Michael mcDonald sang background on, as the show reminds us). Absolutely brilliant.

  17. Screw that Michael McDonald. Stupid wigger.

  18. Whit:

    Does Lovin' Spoonful refer to heroin?

  19. LOVIN' SPOONFUL - 1) from the lyrics of the old song "Coffee Blues". Possibly a drug reference to the spoon used to heat & melt drugs such as heroin for use. 2) Also that the amount of the sperm ejaculated by the average male is about a spoonful (see also the band 10cc)

  20. Flying under the radar again, I see.

  21. Over Macho Grande?

    No. I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.

  22. Mark, you can't possibly believe that about Michael McDonald. That's what a fool believes....

  23. Listen, I love Yacht Rock. Really, I do. However, I still hate the OW. I've been saying it for some time. Check the Drunk & Stupid archives...

  24. But where does everyone stand on Dennis DeYoung?

  25. Armando Benitez is truly a piece of work. Just when I think I've seen all the ways he can blow a ballgame, he surprises me with two extra inning balks...well played sir, well played.

  26. Ah, my Jankees...not doing so well:

    New York has lost 13 of its past 18 to fall eight games under .500 for the first time since it was 11-19 on May 6, 2005.

  27. Cherish that title from last year, fan of the LaRussas...'cause it's gonna be an ugly follow-up campaign.

  28. the nats have more wins than the cardinals. oof.

  29. It's already an ugly campaign. No matter. After the year I've had as a fan its tough for me to get too bent out of shape about this Cardinals season.

    I figure I'll be able to stay stress free until early Spetember.

  30. Oh cruel month of Spetember. Almost as bad as Smarch.

  31. Ahhh, "Spetember"...when the leaves begin to change and all the dyslexic kids return to "shcool."

  32. that better? Thanks for looking out for me fellas.
