Thursday, December 14, 2006

There's fruitless litigation...

...and then there's this. On Monday, a judge in Jeannette, PA dismissed a harassment charge against a teenager charged with repeatedly meowing at his geriatric neighbor. The unnamed 14 year old hooligan apparently "tortured" 78 year old neighbor Alexandra Carasia and caused her "emotional harm", meowing every time he saw her. Luckily, Judge Joe Brown realized the case had no merit and dismissed it, but not before reprimanding the little rascal for his immature behavior. Our crack research staff has uncovered this footage...


  1. Does it surprise anyone that the Celtics struggle when this is occurring?

    Celts coach Doc Rivers and assistant coach Tony Brown have yet to collect on their win in a 2-on-2 game against Gerald Green and Al Jefferson.

  2. Looks like the Nats are trading Jose Vidro. So now the Nats have NO second basemen? It'll be years before we truly understand the genius of Jim Bowden...

  3. Oh yeah, I just mentioned the "genius" in the comments below. What a moron that guy is...why does Stan Kasten not fire his ass?

  4. They've gotta trade Vidro at some point, though...he's a borderline corpse at this point. Granted the prospects they got aren't that sexy, but Fruto appears to have a fairly live arm with 55 K's in 45 innings in AAA last year with a bunch of saves - not too shabby. Young pitching is always good, especially in a pitchers park. As for the Snelling honor of our Peter Doyle, he appears to be a young frankenstein himself (2 massive knee injuries in the last 5 years with a crippled wrist/hand that cause him to miss all of last season).

    Overall, this is how I suspect the off-season player management to go this season. Acquiring young guys (and the occasional mid-level player) via trade and spending zero on Free agents. Same goes for the trade deadline next July...but next offseason, watch out as the Lerner group goes for broke before the stadium opens in '08.

  5. I understand that they have to get rid of Vidro, especially with his contract. However, it's just more bad decision making by Bowden. Why wouldn't you try and dump Vidro early last year, or at least at the trading deadline? He doesn't seem to have any discernible plan for (re)building this organization.

  6. I think his physical condition last year prevented him from getting moved before the deadline. I'm guessing he's found some undetectable steroid that healed him enough in the past few months to render him "moveable".

    Wow, I really sound like I'm defending Bowden...believe me though, I think he's a class AAA dipshit too.

  7. oh, let's not sell bowden short. he's a major league dipshit.

  8. One of the dudes paid by the Post or Times really need to get to work on disecting his douchebaggery...
