Monday, December 18, 2006

"The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs...celebrates Hanukkah..."


  1. An absolutely all-star cast...

  2. Kudos to for unearthing this gem...

  3. Does it get any better than Ricky Davis? I say no.

  4. When I think NBA Hannukah video, I immediately think Ricky Davis.

  5. Terrell Owens has the best-selling NFL jersey in Canada this year. Canadians are idiots.

  6. Pretty good (almost) start to the J.D. Drew era...

    The Red Sox have questions about the condition of J.D. Drew's surgically repaired right shoulder, questions that have kept them from finalizing a deal for the free agent right fielder two weeks after Drew's agent, Scott Boras, announced at the winter meetings that the Sox and Drew had come to terms on a five-year, $70 million contract. Until the parties sign off on the deal, Drew remains a free agent, according to Gene Orza, chief operating officer for the Major League Baseball Players Association, who confirmed that the Sox raised questions about Drew's shoulder after he underwent the physical upon which the deal was conditioned. For now, Orza said, the issues are more the subject of an inquiry by the Sox than at the center of a dispute between the parties. "We [the union] are not involved in it yet," Orza said. "Apparently, the parties are talking about the consequences of a procedure J.D. had, that in the opinion of the doctor, was designed to help further the rehabilitation of the shoulder."

  7. In honor of his recent obsession with David Jonathan "J.D." Drew, we will be referring to TJ as "J.T." for a while. That's Jaytee for those who like to spell it out.

  8. There ought to be a law. Oh, wait, there are. Bunches of them, and he's broken them all.

    Here's a new law: if you voted for Marion Barry even one time after 1990, you are never allowed to vote anywhere for anything ever again, so long as you live.

    And, once a month a guy on a bike sneaks up on you and takes a cricket bat to one of your hamstrings.

    Honestly, people, you make the OJ jurors look well-reasoned.

  9. SportGuy has made it official: Rocky IV is his favorite of the Rocky films. And even though he concedes it's a laughably implausible movie, he makes it his favorite, which is another way of announcing, "My credibility in cinematic taste is nil."

  10. You guys should box...

    With the Iverson trade finalized, I just spent the last 6 minutes setting my fantasy basketball line-up through Jan 2nd...

  11. I thought the movie was so-so:

    UK report says robots will have rights

    The next time you beat your keyboard in frustration, think of a day where it may be able to sue you for assault. Within 50 years we might even find ourselves standing next to the next generation of vacuum cleaners in the voting booth.

    Far from being extracts from the extreme end of science fiction, the idea that we may one day give sentient machines the kind of rights traditionally reserved for humans is raised in a British government-commissioned report which claims to be an extensive look into the future.

  12. There are THREE people at work right now...THREE.

    It might be PornoTube time...

  13. Rob, you been in Ohio lately?

    Authorities arrested a man on Tuesday who, they said, was caught on camera throwing rocks at the Republican Headquarters building in Columbus.

  14. it's not like me to kick a man (or a party) when he's down.
