Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What does GTB give thanks for on this day before Thanksgiving?

YouTube, that's what. At this time last year I could only describe in words what I considered the greatest Thanksgiving episode in all of television history. Now, thanks to that glorious website, I can actually provide the clip to prove it...I give you five minutes and forty seconds from WKRP in Cincinnati's "Turkeys Away" episode. Gordon Jump's last line is a priceless moment in sitcom history.

Afternoon Update: I just realized Gheorghe: The Blog has never properly spotlighted Gheorghe: The Dancer, so here you go:


  1. I'm also happy I can bump OJ down the page a bit...even for a loon like me, this past two weeks of OJ overload was really getting to me.

  2. I don't know if folks can focus on college hoops yet, but this contrived "Feast Week" is always a great time to do it. The last two nights there have been some real solid games on, and it was nice to see Duke lose last night.

  3. Last night's two TV action of Duke-Marquette and UCLA-Kentucky was a fine eveningof college basketbal if there ever was one.

    One day, I'm going to Maui for Thanksgiving.

  4. Is the Las Vegas Invitational new? Because that was a nice move, adding Vegas to the pre-season tourney mix, along with Maui and Puerto Rico (right, there's a tourney down there?)...however, getting your kids pumped to fly to Anchorage must suck.

  5. Yeah, Vegas is new this year. I'm pretty pumped for the UF-Kansas and UF-FSU games both being on Saturday.

  6. Terrell Owens is the best...

    IRVING, Texas -- Terrell Owens has his own message for injured Donovan McNabb.

    Owens was asked Tuesday whether he'd send a "get well" text message to McNabb, who tore his ACL on Sunday and is out for the season. McNabb claims to have sent similar sentiments to Owens after his reported suicide attempt/accidental overdose earlier this year.

    Owens' answer: "Absolutely not."

  7. TJ,

    You've got to be at least a little excited about the OJ story on Deadspin right now, no?

  8. The kid with the OJ blog? He commented on here a week ago, and I was extremely excited...and impressed. However, I still think if you're ever drinking with the Juice, you HAVE to somehow ask him if he did it. I know I say that now, and might not have the cajones to do it if I ever met him, but in the immortal words of that dude from the beginning of Dirty Harry:
    "I gots to know"

  9. Let's clarify: It's not like I need to know IF he did it, we all know he did. It's more I need dumbass Juice to say it to me, no matter how cryptically it comes out of his warped brain and mouth.

  10. You're a better man than me if you had the onions to ask that question. There's now way I could pull it off.

    Completely unrelated: Have you noticed the mancrush that Jay Bilas has on Bill Raftery? He's even biting his schtick (ngs) now.

  11. I'm sorry, it's often hard for me to notice other announcers because of the size of the nuts in Vitale's mouth...

  12. if anyone deserves the love, it's raftery. like the salmon flocking back to capistrano, the first 'onions' of the year marks the changing of the seasons.

    huge comeback win for georgia tech last night - doesn't break my heart seeing calipari step on his dick.

  13. Memphis deserved to lose after trotting out those new unis. What do they think this is the ABA?

    Also, UCLA looks really, really good right now. They are loaded with athletes and Collison seems more than capable of picking up the slack from Farmar's departure. If they had Kevin Love in the lineup this year (as oppossed to next year) they'd have to be in the National Title discussion.

  14. I don't know if you guys have seen Texas play, but this freshman Kevin Durant is fucking impressive. 20+ and 10+ a night from this kid, and he is silky smooth for his size.

  15. i like durant, but i don't like texas very much.

    i have enjoyed watching the terps thus far. loads of athleticism, and young enough that every game (hell, every possession) is a crapshoot.

  16. Perhaps this will finally be the season Gary Williams' head explodes on the sideline, a la Scanners. By the way, Nevada is a very good ball club, and Nick Fazekas has been there a decade.

  17. On first look, Kevin Durant is everything that I thought Darius Rice could/should be.

  18. I feel safer already...

    LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AP) -- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is now an honorary member of the Las Vegas police department's K-9 unit.

    The cigar-smoking, foul-mouthed hand puppet given life by comic Robert Smigel is the first toy Rottweiler adopted into the elite group of bomb-sniffing dogs. The honor was bestowed at the weeklong Comedy Festival that kicked off Tuesday.

    "I will do my part to get all the drugs and hookers off the street, and into my hotel room," Triumph said in accepting the honor.

    Police Sgt. Danny O'Connell said Triumph would make a good member of the team. "He's a straight shooter. He says what's on his mind and peace officers always appreciate that.

  19. The LVPD - to serve, protect, and mock geeks in line for Star Wars premieres.

  20. This is getting ridiculous. Yet another GTB Fall favorite is getting pulled. This time it's ABC's "The Nine". I really might have to start watchng all those "Jericho" episodes I have saved on the DVR.

  21. The Nine got pulled? Damn. That was one of the shows that I compromised with the GF on and picked up as one of "our shows". Thanks a lot, TJ.
