Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"I hear this place is restricted, Wang, so don't tell 'em you're Jewish, okay?"

New York Yankees skipper Joe Torre discusses tonight's ALDS match-up against the Detroit Tigers with Game 1 starter Chien-Ming Wang. (GTB/File/Wang)


  1. By the way, this Gary Sheffield at first base experiment could be a nightmare.

  2. Does the NHL season start tonight? Does anyone care (other than Jeppy)?

  3. No one...and the Rock means NO ONE mails it in on a post like tom Doyle.

  4. You will also be happy to know that I wore my Yankees tie today.

  5. Ugh...you are officially that guy.

  6. Cards go down 1-2-3 in the top of the 1st. Good to see that the regular season is carrying over.

  7. Anthony Reyes...off the playoff roster instead of Jason Marquis. WTF???

  8. Wow...Jason Marquis is a nightmare. And how about the Twins being dumb enough to throw Frank Thomas not one, but two, gimme inside fastballs, leading to the entirety of the Oakland offense.

  9. I don't know why you wouldn't pitch around Thomas in nearly every situation. Other than Swisher, who else can beat you on that team?

  10. Marcus Thomas siting on the practive field this afternoon for Florida. It looks as if he might be back for LSU...

  11. Piss poor management by Ron Gardenhire...kinda like down here at the Duff plant.

  12. At this pace, the Cards game is going to be in the sixth by the time I get home.

  13. You know, SportsGuy's hatred (jealousy?) of Derek Jeter just makes me love the guy even more, if that's even possible. My manlove for Jeter can probably only be rivaled by the collective manlove for the Boy Named Tebow down in Gainesville.

    And Mark, solid W for your boys yesterday. Good for them...Jake Peavy's blindness is finally coming back to haunt him.

  14. OK, the playoff diaries were good enough that I can't hate SG too much. I just wish he hadn't beaten me to the Tommy Lasorda/Scooter joke...

    By the way, I'm pretty sure the goofy magician in the Hummer commercials is also Dr. Angus in the goofy Burger King ads. Confirmation anyone?

  15. I was thinking the same thing about the Hummer magician/Dr. Angus this weekend. You're goofy, jerk.

    As for the Cards, yeah, that was nice. Unfortunately, St. Louis has the lesser Weaver going for them in Game 2.

  16. Yes...

    By the way, B.J. Sams needs to be on the Bengals.

  17. Make it happen Mike Brown...

  18. what a quote! what a movie! wang is the man.
