Monday, October 09, 2006

Hide the women and children (and A-Rod)...

"You tell 'em I'm coming...and Hell's coming with me, you hear?...Hell's coming with me!"


  1. We'll start with what is easiest here...a charming photo of the likely new Yankees skipper.

    48 hours later I'm still so frustrated, irked, exhausted, discouraged, irritated, annoyed, fluxxomed, flabbergasted, shocked AND awed, dismayed and plain ole pissed off...

    Not that anyone is dying for it, but later today I hope to put some words to keyboard, sure to bore everyone to tears.

  2. To be honest, Alex Rodriguez's only hope might be the Charmin-soft touch of Sweet gay...

  3. So TJ...what do you think they're going to do with AROD?

  4. teejay, i know you've purged your memory banks of 2004, but the top-notch blogging crew at misery loves company already appropriated the tombstone reference. unless you *want* to be seen stealing from kevin millar, which is cool.

  5. at least the jets gave you some succor from the yankees' alds performance.

    oh, sorry.

  6. Kevin Millar can suck my balls...this sports weekend was a Tommy Boy-esque 2x4 to the face.

    And rob, I'll never be over Macho Grande...

  7. Alex Rodriguez is going nowhere...especially if it's Pinella coming in. Sure, he's the most frail New York athlete since Danny Tartabull (I would've said Kenny Rogers 2 days ago...but all of a sudden Kenny Rogers grew big brass ones and pitched the game of his fucking life), but what are you going to get dealing him away? Poop, that's what. 2 buttons, a piece of lint, and a ketchup-stained plate. Let Lou have a crack at his candy ass, let him throw up another .290/35/115 and get boo'd doing it, and if he fails ONCE AGAIN in the 2007 postseason (if they Yanks even get there) send him on his way, because then you've officially run out of options. I find this entire A-Rod exercise perplexing...

  8. And for anyone that's seen this guy's physique, I obviously find real exercise perplexing as well.

  9. somebody really should wander over to teejay's office to make sure he hasn't done harm to himself. sounds like he needs a hug.

  10. The venting is good for the system...holding it all in stunts your growth.

  11. I was gonna do a quick "What Really Grinds My Gears" bit with this fantastic clip but even I'm already sick of this story. Dan "Duke" Davis just committed suicide on air. Phil the Show Killer is DEVASTATED.

  12. Do you do this...yes or no.

    A-Rod for D-Train?

  13. I only trade Alex Rodriguez for TWO D-Trains...

  14. no chance in hell the marlins do that deal unless the spanks throw in 75% of a-rod's salary.

  15. I was thinking more like 95%. A-Rod makes more than the entire Florida roster -- way more. Which, if anyone cares, is friggin' stupid.

  16. To delve a bit more into Whitney's point, the Florida Marlins 2006 payroll was $14,998,500 (according to USA Today's "Salaries Database"). There are 12 major leaguers who made more than the entire Marlins payroll in 2006 (and yes, of course 4 of the Top 6 are Yankees):

    Rodriguez, Alex $21,680,727
    Jeter, Derek $20,600,000
    Giambi, Jason $20,428,571
    Bagwell, Jeff $19,369,019
    Bonds, Barry $19,331,470
    Mussina, Mike $19,000,000
    Ramirez, Manny $18,279,238
    Helton, Todd $16,600,000
    Pettitte, Andy $16,428,416
    Ordonez, Magglio $16,200,000
    Johnson, Randy $15,661,427
    Park, Chan Ho $15,505,142 (by the way, did Chan Homer even make the playoff roster?)

  17. chan ho was on the padres playoff roster as a relief pitcher. even more egregious, though, is bagwell. that guy stole $19m this year. that's insaaaaane.

  18. Here's the reason why it did me no good to discuss the possible Joe/Lou swap yesterday...George is confused

  19. Mayhugh is even better at finding random shit on does one ever stumble upon this?

  20. Easily the funniest YouTube clip posted to date, Tom.

  21. Dennis loves the Pacific Rim...

  22. I was assuming the yanks would pay for a ton of A-Rod's contract. But they came out today and said they wouldn't trade A-Rod. Maybe they still will, but they have said they won't.

  23. This morning I am a proud little blogger. Last search:

    "jeff weaver meltdown stress"

  24. We've been on that Youtube video at work for a few weeks. Take Anything You Want.

  25. You know you love Lou rob, stop denying it...and you can't wait to jump on board the Cubbies bandwagon for the 2007 Lou and Alex Tour...

  26. if the yankees will take prior and a. ramirez for a-rod, i'd be happier than whitney at a happy hour.

  27. OK, if we're going to play the hypothetical game, Cashman should ask (at the minimum) for Crazy Carlos Z AND Aramis...Mark Prior is a worthless commodity at this point in his career.

  28. And can someone explain to me what Steve Lyons did to get fired?

  29. Always Bet on...the IRS:

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Movie actor Wesley Snipes was indicted Tuesday on eight counts of tax fraud accusing him of bilking $12 million from the government in false refund claims.

    Snipes, 44, also failed to file tax returns for six years, according to an indictment unsealed in Tampa, Fla.

    Federal prosecutors said Snipes fraudulently claimed the refunds in 1996 and 1997. It also charged him with failure to file returns between 1999 and 2004.

    According to the indictment, Snipes had his taxes prepared by accountants with a history of filing false returns to reap payments for their clients. As part of the deal, the indictment alleges, the firm, American Rights Litigators, would receive 20 percent of refunds from clients.

    Snipes faces a maximum of 16 years in prison.

  30. i agree that the yankees' bids should start with zambrano/ramirez, and i'm more than a little worried that they'd get it. or that they'd at least get zambrano and a solid prospect, especially if the yanks are willing to kick in $ to offset a-rod's salary.
