Thursday, October 26, 2006

Countdown to Cocktails

More accurately, it's the countdown to "The World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party" in Jacksonville, FL this weekend (shame on the networks for giving into the schools' demands to not mention the game's title during the telecast) . For the unitiated, the WLOCP is the annual Florida/Georgia football game/booze-addled revelry fest, currently 46-36-2 in the Dawgs favor. This blogosphere will be sending a crack unit comprised of Drunk and Stupid's author Mark, Jeppy from the Wheelhouse, Greg, Salts and yours truly. A good time will most certainly be had by all. I leave here on the 4:20 train to BWI (yep, not a joke at all...just me and the entire papal electoral college) and will be in Jacksonville by 8:45. Somebody pick me up...

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