Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy Armageddon

"It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine"


  1. Speaking of Hell on Earth, how about that backup goalie for the Oilers last night? Wow...that was impressive.

    Ty Conklin, I've got Fred Merkle on Line 1 (from the grave of course).

  2. Ozzie Guillen is the best:

    Juan Uribe missed Tuesday's game to be with his wife, who gave birth to the couple's fourth child.

    Alex Cintron started in Uribe's place and hit a three-run homer. "I don't know what kind of kid you're going to be when you're born on 6-6-6," manager Ozzie Guillen said. "If he's like his dad, he's going to be a problem."
