Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

"You've done grand, laddie! Now ya know what ya have ta do! Burn the house down! Burn 'em all!"


  1. All right, after a tough end to Thursday, it looks like I have just one upset today, Souther Illinois (I have them in the Sweet 16). That does not however mean I don't want to see the likes of Albany, Oral Roberts and Davidson scare the bejesus out of UConn, Memphis and Ohio State.

    Oh yeah, if you haven't seen him or heard of him, just watch Leon Powe drop a 20 and 20 on NC State today. He is a beast.

  2. I have no major upsets today--a couple of 9s beating 8s...but that's it. Hmmm... that sounds like a problem.

    Problem #2--meetings at 2 and 3pm. Dagger...

  3. I'm going to go ahead and ask Kent State to beat Krauser, just on the principle of the matter.

    Meanwhile, while I halfway expected Cuse to fall flat and the Bama/Marquette game was no great surprise since it was one of the last ones I picked, Nevada/Montana and San Diego St/Indiana were honest to god surprises to me.

    That Indiana game was tough to watch. You figure you got that upset pegged only to see them completely shut down in the last 60 seconds and just give it away, no fun way to end the night.

    Meanwhile, my scheme that allowed me to leave work at noon yesterday is currently being thwarted, though hope does exist to make it out by 1.

  4. I'm here for 38 more minutes...

  5. And yes, Devendorf is truly a disgusting individual on several levels. For some reason I find it makes things better if you call him Dan Devendorf, at least it lets you laugh.

  6. At least I can forget about that clown for a long time. Next year though I have to root for him, Roberts, Nichols, Watkins and McCroskey. Bad times.

  7. Good luck to the Great name is Doug, and I'm outta here...

  8. George Mason Nut gotta believe.

  9. When the Mason/Carolina score came through during the PackerNantz telecast, Jim Nantz said, "You know, some people didn't think Mason belonged in this tournament."

    I don't know what else he said, because I threw my shoe through the television at that point.

  10. The Verizon Center is gonna be rocking...

  11. Who sucks more...
    The Big Ten
    The dudes in the Applebees ad
    The Asian Cingular guy...?

  12. When Dave Flynn got flagged for a particularly questionable penalty during a college football game, he expressed his disapproval by loudly telling the ref, "I want your resignation on my desk by Monday morning." (As if Flynn had a desk.) I was hoping against hope that one of the Mason players would say that to Billy Packer on national TV.

  13. So, what did Duke win me again??

  14. dennis is the proud recipient of one container with six malted beverages of his choice. i really thought gw would put up more of a fight. now i think duke cruises past lsu.

  15. and i think we're all big washington husky fans right about now. if they get by uconn, and mason gets by wichita state (big, big, big if), mason's got a shot at the final 4. i don't think mason (or wichita state)has a prayer in hell against uconn.

  16. David Robinson's Navy squad was a CAA team, right? How far did they go in the mid-80's?

  17. All I know is he dropped 50 in his last college game, to Michigan I believe. What round that was I have no idea...

  18. Not for nothing, but the CAA also has 2 teams in the NIT Sweet 16 (and the MVC has 1 too). And Maryland looked real impressive against Manhattan...

  19. This is what gets my goat about sports journalism. Packer and Nantz made a real scene with their insulting tantrum, and with every day's worth of games, they're being made to look like fools. They owe apologies to the schools, the conferences, and especially to the committee for a rather venomous attack on their talent and credibility. If not a full apology, some sort of mea culpa to indicate their high-profile error should be in the cards. Will these admissions come? They never, ever do. Ever.

    When you're wrong, be confident enough in your craft to be up front about it. "I was an idiot." I've said it many a time.

    (Oh, and if you're going to be a dick on national TV, don't be wrong.)

  20. Will The Fat Boys be involved?

    NUGGETS TO TWIST: The Nuggets and special guest Chubby Checker will look to get into the Guinness Book of World Records during Wednesday's game against the Spurs.

    The Nuggets are seeking to have nearly all of the fans at the Pepsi Center, which has a capacity of 19,099, do The Twist, the dance popularized by the Checker song that shot to No. 1 in 1960. That would break the Guinness listed record of 1,691 doing the dance in the United Kingdom in 2004.

  21. Wow--that's a hip gimmick. I guess Al Jolson was booked. Or dead...

  22. At least one of the Fat Boys is dead. Thanks for bringing up those painful memories and ruining my day TJ. Now I have to leave work early so I can go watch "Krush Groove" with a box of tissues.

  23. Mark is tragically correct. On December 10, 1995, Darren "Buffy, the Human Beatbox" Robinson, died of a heart attack in Rosedale, NY. He was 28 years old and weighed a respectable 450 lbs.

  24. I'll take Coor's Light bottles please.

  25. A heart attack? Well, I guess it can happen to anyone...

  26. that'll be $1.50 well spent, then.

  27. the caa is guaranteed a spot in the nit semis, as odu and hofstra face each other in the quarters. hofstra went on the road and took out st joe's, while odu squeaked one out over manhattan. caa is now 6-1 in postseason play.

    wait for it...

    ...suck it billyjim

  28. While rob continues his attack on billyjim, I think it's time to turn our attention to the worst GM in baseball, Jim Bowden, who forever more in this space will be referred to as Genius Jim. The latest move in Genius Jim's long line of missteps, (the Guzman contract, the Brian Lawrence pick up)the Alfonso Sorino trade, has not escalated into a full-scale fiasco. You trade for a guy you plan to play at a brand new position, a position this guy has refused to play his whole career, and you never once discuss this with the player, or think this might blow-up in your face? Genius Jim is a fucking moron, and if it weren't for Allaird Baird (seriously, what kind of name is that) it wouldn't even be close. This is not to let Soriano off the hook though - YOU'RE GETTING PAID 10 MILLION DOLLARS, TAKE THE FUCKING FIELD YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

  29. Genius Jim acquisitions this offseason...prepared to be blown away:
    - Felix Rodriguez
    - Royce Clayton
    - Matthew LeCroy
    - Daryle Ward
    - Valerio de los Santos
    - Mike Stanton
    - Robert Fick
    - Wiki Gonzalez

  30. I actually like Felix #2 and the Fick pick-up. But, the rest are poop. I'd like to hedge again on my pre-season prediction...


  31. 1-161. I like them to squeak out the opener against the Mets, and then hit a 6 month dry spell.

  32. Michael Tucker is on the roster this spring as well. Not only is Bowden a complete fucking moron, he's also one of the more annoying and dispicable peopel that I experienced during my brief time in baseball.
