Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Billy Packer...

Giant Douche


Turd Sandwich?


  1. So it that 2 votes for Giant Douche?

  2. Make that 3 votes for Giant Douche. By the way TJ, you excited to get a shot at A&M? I know how deserving you think they are of a tournament berth.

  3. What a conundrum, huh? I don't want to jinx the Cuse and have to sit through a debacle like last year, but I think so very little of A&M that I have to openly mock them and take the Cuse...in other news, watch out for Iona.

  4. Steve Burtt Jr.= Good player, Crazy Dad.

  5. is dennis in hiding, fearful of the teal terror that is unc-w? i can't think of a worse fate for him - losing a bet to me at the hands of the same conference he's belittled at length in this space. of course, gw wouldn't be a cakewalk, either.

  6. Duke will pummel UNC-W. In fact, realistically and rightly so, Duke has a very favorable bracket...toughest game will likely be in that second round matchup. That is, until they get to the regional championship against your West Virginia Mountaineers!!

  7. Dennis' Dream Final Four:

    Duke, WVU, Penn State and Gattaca

  8. Not Penn State hoops - conveniently I only root for their football team. So, you can probably substitute Indiana (although without Knight, it's not the same so I dunno) as my third hoops team in the final four. And I'll take Gattica over any of those lame CAA teams 10 times outta 10...

  9. Tony Skinn would punch Uma right in the nuts.

  10. U know, most people forget Jude Law is in that movie - he's the wheelchair dude...gives it much better street cred with the gay community. Which this space could use from time to time...

  11. I dind't know that you could have "street cred" within the gay community. I was thinking of something more like "salon cred" or "bathhouse cred".

  12. wow, i didn't see those last 2 posts coming.

  13. Do you need a boost? Maybe some phone books?

  14. Low blow, Tom. Very low blow...

  15. and if voting is still open, tj is a turd sandwich.

  16. TJ...I'm standing an applauding over here...I LOVE a good short joke. Love it.

    Oh...and sorry Rob. My bad...

  17. I actually kinda like the guy.


  18. interestingly, twins15 also believes that the world is flat and finds dick cheney "cuddly".

  19. Just over 24 hours until the fun starts...

  20. Less than 5 hours until my weekend starts...

  21. Wow, these guys really hate the new James Bond:


  22. Mark, it's not cool to rub our noses in it. Some of us have to work tomorrow -- and not even enjoying the camaraderie of an office, we have to work from home, sitting here at this computer laboring away, or near the computer, or in the next room watching basketball. Not cool, man.

  23. Packer is without a doubt a a turd sandwich. If you think about it, the giant douche is intended to cleanse a large amount of foulness as evidenced by the fact that it is a "giant" douche. While this is a gross and unpleasant task, it is essentially job that makes the foulness more pleasant for all parties involved. As such, anybody who calls a game with Packer is a giant douche - ie. the only thin between us and two hours of pure filth. On the other hand, the turd sandwich is the foulness that stinks up the joint and makes you want to run for the exits. Clearly, this is Packer. He is a steaming, openfaced turd sandwich on rye toast. His mere voice make you cringe and almost long for the days of George Raveling.

  24. Uh, is that the greatest pop-in comment ever? Is the world's all-time bartender now part of the blogosphere?

  25. like his namesake, marlin runs in deep waters, surfacing only rarely to dazzle with his brilliance, and returning quickly to the mysterious murky depths.
