Sunday, October 30, 2005

I Missed My Nap For This?


The Redskins packed more ineptitude into the three hours of their pants-soiling at the Meadowlands today than TJ jams inappropriate references into a happy hour. And it was all bad, to be sure, but there was one particular level of suck that stood out above (below?) the rest in a way that sours the newly earned optimism in Skins camp.

I have never seen such a drastic case of regression, outside of my own psychological profile, as I saw in Mark Brunell today. This was the Mark Brunell we watched for half a season last year as we clawed our own eyes out. This was the Brunell who made P-Ram look like a pretty good option. Today's Mark Brunell, with the toe-tapping, head-swerving, and obvious unwillingness even to fire a warning shot down the field, was the guy we tried to run out of town last year.
Toe a tee. And that's horrible news for people who had just gotten suckered into believing again. (No, not me, of course not.)

That he had a legion of Jerry Lewises, Chevy Chases, and Chris Farleys alongside him didn't make it any easier for him to succeed, obviously. The runners couldn't, the receivers didn't, the blockers appeared not even to know how, and the defenders -- though taxed by their teammates time and time again -- pretty much tripped over themselves trying to. Penalties, play calls, and missed assignments -- you'd find more heads-up decisions on an episode of Gilligan's Island than in the Skins' portion of this game. But there was nobody who looked as cast away as Mark Brunell, and all we can do is speculate as to why and pray for never again.

It's harder in the NFL to shake this one off. You lose in baseball by a score of 26-3, you're usually back out there in fewer than 24 hours to change things. Similar stories in the NBA and this new hockey league that just started up. The Skins get a week to wallow in the excrement they created for three hours Sunday, and what with there being 18,755 journalists per actual sports new item, they're going to have a lot of unanswerable questions coming at them that will help the wallow. Enjoy, boys.

It will be interesting to see how contagious Brunell's regression is this week. Those of us who predicted 6-10 for Washington, then shied away from that as progress was made, may now begin to revisit those old prognostications with increased confidence in our own premonitory skill. If Bad Brunell shows up next Sunday night versus Philly -- and trust me, we'll know it by series #2 -- the last few weeks are going to feel like the running-on-the-beach dream for the double amputee.


  1. I have a feeling as to how next Sunday night's game versus the Eagles is going to go --something like 31-0--and it makes me feel like a huge fucking chump for get ever so slightly suckered in by this team of frauds.

  2. Get it together fellas, it's one loss. On the road against a very good team... And they had God himself as the twelth man, and I even saw him returning punts, kickoffs, and running a few itermediate pass routes.

    The season's no more over now, than it was playoff time 3 weeks ago. They're still well on their way to fickle are we...

    The loss solely lays on my shoulders for forgetting my Lavar Arrington PSU jersey on the way to Jerry' bad dudes.

  3. I had the Riggo jersey working in the 1st half, Darrell in the 2nd. Finally, I just gave up and said, boys, there was nothing either of you could have done about this one.

  4. The gray Redskins T-shirt is no longer magical. I may need to purchase something new as it looks like I may be attending the Eagles game this weekend (big football weekend for me) and I'm definitely attending the Skins-Raiders game on the 20th.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed the Cody Pickett Show Sunday afternoon...despite the worst announcing team I've ever heard.

  6. Yeah, while I was gone, this search led someone here:

    "meg bulger" nude

    I'm betting they were very disappointed.

  7. Is anyone else losing faith in the accuracy of search engine?

  8. Dennis' handiwork:

    The main event was some Big East college hoops: WVU v. G-town. This was surprisingly entertaining. Some chicks can actually play basketball it turns out. The best part, however, was being curiously arroused by a shooting guard named Meg Bulger who plays for the Mountaineers. That's sister to former WVU standout Kate Bulger and, most notably, sister to one Marc Bulger. Check out the link below. Although being built somewhat like Marc, and could more than likely kick my ass, she was strangely delicious . . .

  9. The Jets season in a nutshell: LaDainian Tomlinson has as many TD passes (3) this season as the Jets do as a team.
