Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lav Coles really misses you...

Coach Gibbs: "Hello?? Herm, is that you?"
Herm Edwards: "HOW THE JETS WIN!"
Coach Gibbs: "Herm, why are you calling me at 3:30am?"
Herm Edwards: "P-RAM, P-RAM, P-RAM..."
Chad Pennington has a torn right rotator cuff. His season is most definitely over. His career might be over (thought I certainly hope that isn't the case). Backup Jay Fiedler is hurting (in more ways than one), so he's out this week as well. Brooks Bollinger will be starting this week in Baltimore against crazed murderer Ray Lewis and Co. Bad times my friends. Bad times. The 2005 New York Jets season might already be over (it's not even October yet), and that is god damn depressing. Go get 'em Brooks!
UPDATE: All righty then - looks like Jay Fiedler is also out for the rest of the year. The Jets are apparently bringing in six to nine QBs today for tryouts. Some of the donekys on the list:
-- Former Giant (and hunky Bachelor) Jesse Palmer
-- Former Falcon Doug Johnson (and Doug Davies' least favorite player ever)
-- Former Miami Hurricane Brock Berlin (excellent, the Brooks and Brock Show)
-- The corpse of Vinny Testaverde
Question: Didn't I already see this movie "A History of Violence", starring Viggo Mortensen? Yep, I'm pretty sure I did - it was called "The Long Kiss Goodnight", and starred Geena Davis in the Viggo role (and Sam Jackson).


The next time I am bitching about all the important work I do down here at Kramerica, someone remind me I just spent 120 seconds of my day ON THIS.


  1. My take on this effort by TJ:

    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

  2. And that's alot of "blahs"...

  3. my take on his effort:

    blah blah Jets blah blah (insert OJ or some other murderer joke) blah blah that's all I got.

    and yes, I do understand that the walls on my glass house are extremely thin.

  4. I still plan to irk Squirrel with some playoff talk...

  5. I've seen the Jesse and Doug show play to rave reviews at the college level. As long as the Jets are playing the Commodores or the Gamecocks next week, they should be all set with that crew.

    Did they lose Ray Lucas's number?

    I thnk I heard that Vinny said "No thanks...I've got some guy on the other line about some white walls."

  6. Quincy Carter is apparently not in the Rolodex either.

  7. Wow. That guy penetrated the unbreakable wall of word verification.

  8. He must really be impressed with GTB - but did he read it?

  9. Stop being mean to TJ. He's a super guy.

  10. Oh man, it's official, it's Vinny and the Jets time again...

  11. Oh man, part 2...the Jets are gonna sign Texas Tech gunslinger and NFL hanger-on Kliff Kingsbury today to be the No. 3 quarterback behind Brooks Bollinger and Vinny Testaverde.
