Friday, September 16, 2005

How The Jets Win

In case you missed Herm Edwards the other day, he has decided his football team needs to stick to basics, or else they will get pummeled much like last week at KC. How does Herm plan to stick to the basics? Why with a sheet of paper labeled "How The Jets Win" of course. Read up boys, and hope Nick Saban doesn't get a hold of these gems:
*Run the ball/stop the run.
*Protect the ball/take it away.
*Solid special teams/no foolish fouls.

How about those Washington Nationals? Just when I had given them up for dead and accepted the fact I was buying Whitney a case of beer, they go and sweep Whit's Mets and position themselves to (possibly) squeak into the playoffs. Starting relievers two days in a row certainly doesn't cry peak performance, but hell, they're hanging around, 2.5 back in the Wild Card standings (3 back in the Loss column). If they can go to San Diego and take 2 of 3, they are in prime shape to steal the WC in the final weekend (when they get Philly at home, and it's well documented the entire world hates Philadelphia). Got Wilk?
Has it occurred to anyone else that Curt Schilling and Keith Foulke might've signed the same boilerplate agreement with Satan as Kurt Warner once did (and to a lesser degree Voshon Leonard)? I realize Red Sox fans can die happy now, but it sure seems to me like those two guys will never be the same again...and I guess to Boston fans it doesn't really matter...and of course in two weeks time as Schilling and Foulke dominate the Yankees to keep them out of the playoffs this will seem like an absurd paragraph, but what the hell, just wanted to throw it out there.


  1. Question: What is George W. Bush's position on Roe vs. Wade?

    Answer: He really doesn't care how people get out of New Orleans.

  2. Should I just mail the "Bama of the Week" trophy to Joey Harrington now so I can save on shipping?

  3. how about that dick that yelled at Jamie right before his first dance? anyone see that guy?

  4. Someone want to let Peter King know his column is called Monday MORNING Quarterback...I need some bathroom reading.

  5. Strike that...thanks Mr. King...

  6. These are Yahoo! Search's most popular terms at 11:25am:

    "Popular terms: Gas Prices, Baby Names, NFL, Jessica Simpson, Recipes"

    A rather odd mix if you ask me.

  7. If we were on the $ 25,000 Pyramid, I would've said "Things TJ talks about while high."

  8. Chocolate babies...Mel Gibson...

  9. Whit and Jerry, say hello to your manager...

    Yesterday was Willie Randolph Bobblehead Day. "I've finally arrived," the Mets manager said. "I'm legit now. I've got my own bobblehead." Randolph said the bobblehead didn't look like him, except for the ears. When it was suggested to Randolph that it sort of looked like Little Richard, Randolph agreed and proceeded to do a Little Richard impersonation.

  10. Hold the fucking phone...William Shatner won an Emmy last night?
