Saturday, September 03, 2005

George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People

At least that's what Kanye West thinks. See, the problem with live television is that it's, well, live. That thunking sound you heard last night was the result of several dozen jaws hitting network control panels and executive desks in unison as West capped off his bizarre screed on NBC's disaster relief telethon. Think Mike Myers beat his agent with a used Wayne's World t-shirt after having to stand next to West, dumbly transfixed and clearly wondering why his Canadian ass got dragged into this shit?

We're not gonna get all political on ya'll in this space - lots of digital ink is getting spilled in the service of power in plenty of other corners of the blogosphere - but the Hurricane Katrina race card is on the table now, and the next week will be interesting to watch. Good thing TeeJay's headed somewhere without an internet thingy.


  1. Well, this quote should help with any feelings that the Bush family doesn't give a crap about the black community...

    "So many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them" -- Barbara Bush, in Houston (AP).

  2. Oh, I saw Mr. West, and I loved it. Special thanks to the Dare County Library for this Apple IIC I'm hammering away at.
