Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Man, I'm not even allowed to be hungover for 72 hours around here. Yes, AC was fantastic, and yes, it did quite a number on my internal organs, and yes, my wedding is less than two weeks away. Props to all those that made it to AC and made the Showboat our personal playground for the weekend (round of applause to Social Chair Dennis for a job well done). I lack both wit and intelligence today (how is that different than any other day you say?) but let me just say that the new Wendy's Ranch Tooth commercial is the greatest commercial of all time (and I'm 99% sure that is Adam Corolla doing the voice). If you have not had the pleasure of seeing the Ranch Tooth ad, I strongly suggest you board yourself up in your house until you do. I'd add something about baseball and the wild card races, or even college football starting up, but seriously, do you know how long it just took me to type this????

Eddie! I would like to talk to yououuuuuuuuuuu! HALF! I want HALF Eddie!...All right, forget Katie and Tom, it's Mariah and Eddie time. Carey and Murphy were seen canoodling in Miami over the weekend, according to my inside sources (otherwise known as the New York Daily News). Here's hoping these two crazy kids can make it in the topsy-turvy world of celebrity dating. Don't worry, GTB is here to keep you informed...by scouring Page Six daily for updates.


  1. This word verification thingie is weird.

  2. Don't worry Taj - the squiggliness of it is real for everyone.

  3. I need new glasses (full disclosure - I've needed "new" glasses since 1994)

  4. My path to comedic genius is littered with dead horses.

  5. As I mentioned the other day, Milton Bradley is FUCKING CRAZY:

    No charges have been filed, but police have responded to the Redondo Beach home of Milton Bradley three times this summer on domestic violence calls. There was one incident in which he allegedly choked his pregnant wife, bloodied her lip and hurled a cellular telephone into a wall. Bradley wouldn't answer questions after a reporter was sent to his home yesterday. "You come here snooping around," he yelled from his upstairs balcony. "Get off my property. Write that down. Get off my property."

  6. I've always pegged you for a guy with glaucoma, what with all that dope-smoking.

    Was Professor Ayisi (anthropology) still at W&M when you cats were there? He did have glaucoma, and he had prescription THC, and he was one fucked up prof.

  7. What's amazing is that nobody has time to make the Milton Bradley games joke any more, what with all of the behavioral mocking that must take place.

  8. Were you in the same Sociology class with Boon, Pinto and Karen Allen?

  9. Mr. Hoover: 4 C's and an F, 1.6 Grade Point Average. A fine example you set.
    Mr. Kroger: 2 C's, 2D's and an F. 1.2 Grade Point Average. Congratulations, Kroger, you lead the Delta pledge class.
    Daniel Simpson Day: has no Grade Point Average, all courses incomplete.
    Mr. Blu-- Mr. Blutarsky: zero point zero!

    A little known fact: when I was a freshman, my grades were almost identical to those that the freshman Pinto had. When I matured a little, I got grades exactly like Hoover.

    I know, fat, drunk, and stupid . . .

    And Joe Gibbs' son J.D. had a semester exactly like Blutarsky . . . in the GPA result. (He didn't drink, just never went to class.)

  10. And his kid also can't design a pass play of more than 8 yards to save his life...

  11. Holy crap. Whitney knows how to post pictures? Wow.

  12. Krispy Kremes were brought to work today....mmmmmmm.....mmmmmmmm....

  13. Wow. Your brain is still at the craps table order crapplers with ketchup only...isn't it?

  14. Wow, I didn't realize Arizona State's projected starting RB is in jail because he murdered a teammate (or former teammate). How the hell did I miss this? I even set the "Dennehy Toolbar" on my computer for just this occasion.

  15. Understatement of the Century:
    Bears GM Jerry Angelo said he "didn't feel great about the quarterback situation."
