Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Thanks for the help

Hope you enjoy the accommodations...
SAN MARCOS, Texas - A man who rescued a swimmer caught in swirling river currents found himself in trouble soon afterward when he was arrested by authorities who claimed he was interfering. Dave Newman, 48, disobeyed repeated orders by emergency personnel to leave the water, police said. He was charged with interfering with public duties. "I was amazed," Newman said Monday after his release on $2,000 bail. "I had a very uncomfortable night after saving that guy's life. He thanked me for it in front of the police, and then they took me to jail."

My name is Kobayashi. I work for Keyser Soze...Nothing like a 5'7", 144 pound Japanese guy eating 49 hot dogs in 12 minutes to jump start the July 4th holiday. The sporting legend in question? 27 year-old Takeru Kobayashi. I must say I was mildly disappointed that Kobayahi couldn't topple his world record of 53½ dogs. I had such high hopes for him. The runner-up was a young lady by the name of Sonya Thomas, who is apparently known as The Black Widow of competitive eating - and she's from Alexandria. I am wondering if Dennis, Jerry, or Swint have perhaps seen her at a local 7-11 pummeling the Big Bite "grill" as practice.

Great day of holiday baseball on the tube yesterday. If I wasn't so damn dumb today I might have a few insights for you. But I don't.


  1. The Yankees are crushing Baltimore 12-2 right now, and if I didn't know better, I would say Jason Giambi is starting to look like a competent hitter again...shhhh...

  2. There's the jinx the Red Sox needed.
