Friday, July 08, 2005


* Good to see 40 year old lefties can agree on something...David Wells condoned the actions of Texas pitcher Kenny Rogers, who knocked over two TV cameras and a cameraman last week and issued a public apology Wednesday. Rogers was suspended 20 games and fined $50,000, according to the HARTFORD COURANT. "I'm stoked for him. I'm glad he did that," Wells said. "He needed to vent. He's been a mild-mannered ballplayer his whole life." ... Sometimes your buttons get pushed. "The media and the camera guys, a lot of guys didn't like the camera on us when we're P.O.'d. But they continue to do it." Wells accused the cameraman of trying to bait Rogers. "He's winking at another guy going, `Yeah, I'm going to get paid,'" Wells said. Told that Rogers is facing assault charges, Wells said, "So. The guy's not hurt. Be a man and take it. Unless he was physically hurt and something happened. ... Just like that guy in Boston when that incident happened in the bullpen [in the 2003 ALCS] when I was with the Yankees, and he comes the next day with a neck brace. Be a man, dude."

* I've got two words for you: Alex Joyner.

* If I'm Rob Russell, I'm telling Johnny Damon to shut the fuck up.

* Always good to hear from Sir Charles (with the added bonus that it's a shot at Chris Webber)...Charles Barkley predicted he wouldn't win the nationally televised Lake Tahoe tournament, but he's certain he won't finish last as long as Sixers forward Chris Webber plays. "As long as Chris Webber is playing, I know I won't come in dead last. I know I can at least beat him," Barkley said.


  1. Yikes - thought that was a screen capture of the Gremlin leader, Stripe. This Alex Joyner guy must be some weird lookin' dude.

  2. That was revolting! The picture loaded a little strangely on my screen - from the bottom up. I thought I was about to be looking at some creatures entrails.

  3. The Wiz have apparently just lost Larry Hughes to the Cavs. Not good for the Wiz.

  4. Nats news:
    The Rockies have agreed to trade outfielder Preston Wilson to the Nationals for righthanded pitcher Zach Day and Class AAA outfielder J.J. Davis, the Sporting News has learned.

    Before the deal can be completed, the two clubs must agree on how much the Nationals will pay on what remains of Wilson's $12.5 million salary. Also, Wilson must OK the deal because the Nationals are one of five teams to which he can reject a trade.

  5. I don't think this guy like the Fantastic 4 movie too much:
    Lou Lumenick in the New York Post is harsher still, describing the film as "the smelliest dead-on-arrival would-be franchise since The Hulk. A perfect storm of wooden acting, hackneyed direction, inane scripting and laughably cartoonish special effects."

  6. At that money, Larry Hughes isn't worth it. One man's opinion.

    And "inane scripting" coming from a writer for The New York Post is like me calling out TJ for his elbow-raising. Just silly.

  7. Johnny Damon's dumber than a box of rocks. That said, he was reacting to misinformation from the media, and once he learned the actual facts of the situation from the team, simmered right on down.

  8. I'm not sure what to do with this nugget...

    Comic Jeff Foxworthy gets 1,100 requests a year from charity groups asking for his services. But he said he has to be selective. "If I did even half of them, I'd never see my family again," he told Buzz. But last year, he learned of Gip "the Gipper" Gayle of Lawrenceville. In September 2003 a friend accidentally shot Gayle in the head during a hunting trip. Gayle happened to be wearing a cap autographed by Foxworthy, his favorite comic. The bullet went through the Foxworthy signature. Gayle survived but after multiple surgeries suffered major physical and mental complications. In March 2004 he mentioned he wished he had another Foxworthy hat. A family friend, Chuck Scott, relayed this to Foxworthy, who visited Gayle three nights later and gave him boxes of Foxworthy memorabilia. He even signed the old hat again: "Jeff Foxworthy: Do not shoot here."
