Thursday, July 14, 2005


Not sure if it's from that hurricane I whipped up last week, or the train that ran me over last night, but I'm bushed. "Bushed" - great expression, right up there with "Mikey looks exhausted. Rogers, get in there and give him a blow". Gets me every time. Been a while since I've posted - thank God TJ really keeps this ship sailing... figured since my oral communication skills are non existent at the moment, I'd give ol' GTB visit.

I see Chandy includes a cute little picture for us these days. Scrumdeliumptous. I'm guessing there's a 100% chance at least one slightly stocky unnamed visitor of this site that will certainly add her to the mental roladex. And Chandy, thanks for the birthday wish. Other notable birthdays on July 13th - Harrison Ford, Cameron Crowe, Fatboy Slim, and Spud Webb.

Also, a big thanks to the LA Lakers for relieving us of Kwame's services . . . Now, Kwame, off with you and go convert to buddhism, get your 3 championships, become an all-star, and rub it in our face everytime you appear on TV interviews with Phil Jackson you lanky penis.

Um, yeah. Wedding Crashers opens tomorrow - I really hope it doesn't suck. They're pushing the limits of this thirtysomething swinging bachelor party guy thing. Or maybe not. Watch out for those oompa loompas kids . . .


  1. Something occurred to me - Is Chandy perhaps short for Chandra? As in "The found my bones in Rock Creek Park" Chandra Levy?

  2. Or, perhaps, Chandelier -- she's equal parts illuminating and a symbol of class.

    As opposed to TJ, which we all know is the two-character ISO 3166 country code for Tajikistan, where he was conceived.

    Did I really just poke fun at someone's else's name (even mildly so)? Wow.

    --Miss Houston

  3. Good thinking Tajikstan. Yeah, even now after the "They found my bones Chandra" became infamous, most people don't figure that one out. Plus, Mine isn't pronounced it with the traditional Indian accent. Mine is said like the very bad KISS song Shandy (Unmasked). Which reminds me...I need a useless fact about me for my blog and I think I have something here!

    Perhaps more noteworthy by a hair: My grandfather was born on July 13, 1899. He would be real old if he weren't real dead.

  4. Charles Barkley and Chris Webber have a $50,000 bet on who is the worst golfer. Barkley said he'd give up the game if Webber beat him. Webber countered by challenging Sir Charles to the wager. Loser pays it to the other's charity. "If Charles Barkley quits playing golf by losing to me, then people should pay me to win this challenge," said Webber, who then had another thought. "I bet I could collect $10, even $20, a person toward my foundation from each person who wants to see the end of Charles' golf career. I can help put millions of people out of their misery from having to watch his golf swing.

  5. Wow, I was just having a conversation about the drink Shandy. I've always known shandy to be beer with a little bit of ginger ale, or ginger beer, or maybe 7-Up or Sprite in it, but this young lady in the office who's from South Africa says it's supposed to be carbonated lemonade in the beer. She's a little flaky -- she's from South Africa, after all. Land of Rory Sabbatini.

    I've also never known a male to order this beverage.

  6. I have our intern researching whether the A-Team will be coming to the big screen anytime soon.

  7. The results:;action=display;threadid=35

  8. Yes, Shandy is a drink - and is a mix of 50% beer (ale) and 50% lemonade (which in the UK/Ireland equals some citrus soda). Sounds unappealling but it isn't bad. Most American bartenders I have run across haven't a clue. It is a nice drink on a hot summer day and I dare you to give it a try. I have never met a man who wasn't willing to try a taste of Chandy...uh..I mean Shandy when presented with the opportunity.

  9. Oh man, it's a shame Swint's on the golf course right now...

  10. Because he's such a poor ball striker?

  11. Because he would googling flights to the Left Coast to "taste" Chandy.

  12. I've tasted Shandy a few times. (But with ginger beer rather than the lemonade stuff.) But that's usually how it happens - guys take a sip of a girl's shandy, say, "Hmmm . . . tastes pretty good," and realize they'd be heckled into the fetal position by hardcore beer-swilling friends if they ever ordered one.

  13. Those non-americans call Sprite and 7-Up "lemonade."

  14. Chandy Loves Hot Action? I might just be Hot Action.

  15. worst ball striker ever. I played the worst round of golf since I was 14. embarrasingly bad. but I chronicled the whole thing on my voice recorder for everyone to enjoy. Main highlight: zero pars.

    Geoff needs to give me lessons on how to have the "perfect swing" like he has (or at least tells me that he as every time that we play golf)

  16. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning? Now that guy was awesome.

  17. Yeah, I always say that. You'll be happy to know that in the tournament I played in on Monday I put up my worst number in years--an avalanche of strokes, finishing 18 strokes out of the money.
