Monday, July 18, 2005

Every Halloween, the trees are filled with underwear. Every spring, the toilets explode.

Is it possible for Howard Kurtz to be any more lame?

CNNWASHPOST HOWARD KURTZ: A lot of people have picked up on your description in the memos to your bureau chief of that conversation -- "It was on double super secret background." What did that mean?

TIME MATT COOPER: Well, Howie, I can now reveal that it was a joke. Karl Rove, when we had the conversation, wanted it to be on deep background, which I took to mean I could use the material but not quote it directly, and certainly not attribute it, that I had to protect the identity of my source. When I wrote the note to my bureau chief, just moments after the conversation with Rove, in a slightly playful way, I echoed the line in the movie "Animal House," where John Belushi's wild fraternity is put on double secret probation. So it was a little bit of humor.

* Call me crazy, but I would classify this as Must See TV:
Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith will premiere Monday, August 1 at 6:30 p.m. on ESPN2. The one-hour weekday show will deliver a daily dose of sports news, opinions, issues and headlines in front of a live studio audience in New York City.

* GTB is quite the clearinghouse of crap on Mondays eh? How about Al Leiter last night boys and girls? Impressive indeed - I am sure Jack McKeon was swearing profusely at Al (see, the 6pm first pitch means Jack got to watch 6 innings or so before lights out at Del Boca Vista). Speaking of ex-Marlin pitchers:
Actress Alyssa Milano , who previously dated Carl Pavano, is now with Dodgers and ex-Marlins pitcher Brad Penny, according to numerous reports in L.A. (Post-Pavano, she dated Oakland's Barry Zito.)

* Oh...if you didn't get to Wedding Crashers this weekend...get there ASAP. You will not be disappointed.


  1. I was at an A's game last year when she was dating Zito...she was sitting in my row. Or maybe I was sitting in her row since we were in the Players' Honeys Section.

    And here's a little something for the guys, because I care.

  2. I know someone else who was cursing Al Leiter last night.

  3. I am sure you were young man...I am sure you were. Granted, that entire performance could've been an aberration, and he's likely to give the Yanks a Tim Redding-esque performance in start #2, but last night was awesome. Tonight, Kevin Brown kills all momentum giving up 8 earned in 3IP. Just watch. What a douche.

  4. This seems like GTB material:

    A T-ball coach in North Union Township, Pa., allegedly paid a player $25 late last month to hit a mentally disabled player in the head with a baseball in order to keep the kid off the field. The coach, Mark Reed Downs Jr., of Dunbar, Pa., was charged Friday with criminal solicitation to commit aggravated assault, corruption of minors and reckless endangerment.

  5. T-BALL? That is so bad. Those kids are 5-6 years old. No need to give them $25. What a moron. He could have had that done for a can of coke and a bag of skittles.

  6. I also enjoyed Wedding Crashers this past weekend. Strong to quite strong...and I need to see it again.

  7. Absolutely could use a second viewing...but at Matinee prices this time. $10 for a movie sucks.

  8. Finally, something exciting happens during the Tour de Lance...

    PAU, France (Reuters) -- Kazakh rider Andrey Kashechkin was struck in the face by a spectator as he was tackling the Marie Blanque climb in the Tour de France's 16th stage from Mourenx to Pau on Tuesday.

    "He received a punch in the face. He's stunned. It's unbelievable", said his Credit Agricole team chief Roger Legeay.
