Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hey, what's that smell?

I know, I have nothing for days, you want more, and all I can give you is this...What can I say, it just fell in my lap...

An Australian woman was found to be carrying 51 live tropical fish after custom officials were alerted by "flipping" noises coming from beneath her skirt as she arrived at Melbourne airport. On closer inspection, officers discovered the woman had strapped on an apron of plastic water-filled bags containing the fish, the Australian Customs Service said. "During the search, customs officers became suspicious after hearing 'flipping' noises coming from the vicinity of her waist," said the statement. The 43-year-old woman arrived in Melbourne on a flight from Singapore last Friday. Customs are still trying to determine what type of fish she brought into the country and have not yet charged her with an offence.

I'm betting they were Red Snapper.


  1. Alternative title to this post: "Mom, do you ever get that not so fresh feeling?"

  2. Harro? Harro?

    "Hundreds of Chinese celebrities including movie star Zhang Ziyi have reportedly been bombarded with phone calls after their mobile numbers were posted online."

  3. Sounds like another horse-whipping from Whitney is on the horizon....

  4. Excellent foresight, Jerry. Coming very soon.

  5. Go write about Pedro...there are assinine comments in the pipeline...
