Friday, April 15, 2005

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Oh, I’m sorry, I wanted to give a recap of my trek to RFK last night (wait, it’s now called Armed Services Stadium…let’s give some credit to Geoff Butt, and all agree to call it The ASS from now on), but I am contractually obligated to discuss ad nauseam the Gary Sheffield/Fenway Fan scuffle. Blah Blah Blah…this ain’t Mike and Mike…let’s get to some Chocolate City ball.

(Can we pause for a moment to talk about how great the new job is? At 3:45 or so yesterday, I was herded up to our roof for beer and hot dogs and pretzels. Really? That’s how this works? Just wait ‘til I get that Diner’s Club card and go crazy…)

Baseball in DC...what could ever go wrong (Poor preparation? Nah, never happen). Now I am not here to put a negative spin on last night's festivities, because the ballgame and the atmosphere were simply amazing. I am simply here to mock the incompetence that is inherent in anything DC seems to do (especially when it comes to baseball).

Let’s table my bitching and moaning for a second to praise the Washington Nationals for a very solid W last night (and let’s praise Chris for getting us tickets, entertaining tickets in the Uecker seats – I could touch the wall of The ASS - that allowed me to see all the empty seats jackasses chose not to fill on the most historic baseball night in DC in a generation…sorry, that was a little Boswellian). I never expected to say this, but I saw a pretty decent team on the field last night. Livan Hernandez is an absolute workhorse, the top of the Nats lineup has some very dangerous lefties (including the second coming of Mickey Mantle, “The Wilk”), and the bullpen seems to have some live arms who don’t have CHOKE written all over them (John Franco, I’m looking at you buddy…speaking of Mr. Franco, I bet there are two very giddy Mets fans this morning after win number 4). I was pleasantly surprised by the stadium and what I viewed as a B+ environment for seeing a game (lots of spontaneous cheering, nobody throwing flares at goalies). The rickety old seats could use a facelift, and the stairs are a nightmare (even Swint’s feet are too big for these stairs), but all in all the stadium held up…

… (Here comes the bitching) You would’ve thought we were in downtown Calcutta with the amount of people inside and outside of the ballpark. Nowhere to move, nowhere to go, lines that never seemed to end. I mean, I wasn’t sure if I was on the Orange Line Metro coming to the game or a refugee train speeding out of some Middle Eastern country with refugee problems and refugee trains. And don’t even get me started about the people on the Metro…seriously, I was squeezed up against two guys having the worst sports conversation ever, much worse than any crap Mike and Mike throw out there (wow, those guys get mentioned twice in this post). The only saving grace to that conversation is the two donkeys sounded exactly like Mayhugh and Cleveland. Now that made me chuckle.

Tangent #1…The funniest thing about the lame CheerStix that were handed to us as we walked in isn’t that they’re called “CheerStix”; it’s the following instructions on the bag:
“To bang: Hold the CheerStix 12-18 inches apart and then slam them together.”
This is absolutely something I could here Greg saying to a girl at 4am on a Saturday night.

Back to the lines…of course we were outside The ASS well past 7:05, so W’s first pitch was missed by half the crowd, a crowd treated to some of the worst protest chants in the history of protest chants. Ironic given these folks were teachers…you would think they would’ve done some prep work between cigarettes and Red Bulls in the Teacher’s Lounge. Fast forward to making it to the seats just in time to see Livan throw the first pitch for the Natty’s, a strike to Craig Counsell…waited through the first hit by Nick Johnson (who is better than Giambi right now, no doubt)…then thought it was time for a brew and a dog. That’s when it happened – everyone donkey in the place was in a line, for something, and there were no ways around any lines, and people were getting antsy, and (wait for it) THEY RAN OUT OF EVERYTHING. HOT DOGS, PRETZELS, BEER…OH MY. This happened to me, and two others I was with – and they had waited for 30 minutes at least in line. What a debacle. People were openly cheering strangers who survived the 2 inning wait and made it back to their seats with any sort of food or drink. The hero of the night award goes to my cahort who returned after 2 full innings with 4 hot dogs – best damn hot dog ever. I’m pretty sure there are still people waiting in line this morning.

Tangent #2…Bama of the Week Week Week…Stupid Frenchman Lance Cormier beans Vinny Castilla in the 8th when he’s a single away from the cycle. The venom that ensued was AWESOME, and I only hope that sort of passion stays with DC fans for a long time. I wish I could find that Peter Angelos clip where he said DC had no real baseball fans. What an ass that guy is. I hope the Orioles draw nobody in the next 3 years and he has to sell that team.

Anyway, terrific game, terrific atmosphere, DC wasn’t quite ready (or maybe it was because Bushie was there), but whatever, it…was…awesome. As I left to take the Metro home, I began to see a very large crowd gathered. Are they waiting for players? Is a motorcade leaving? Nope…it was 3,000 people in line for the Metro. F that, I walked (briskly) through the “transitional” neighborhood (read: ghetto) next to The ASS, making it home in 15 minutes, in time to see the Sheffield incident referenced above (which you can be sure will be beaten into the ground for the next 3 days). I’m going back as soon as possible, who’s with me?


  1. Fashion update (for Whit):
    I wore cargo shorts and a Padres T (nice NL item for me) and froze my nuts off. The lesson, as always, I'm an idiot.

  2. Job update:
    I've only been here 5 days and I was just handed a paycheck. Awesome...last time I started a job it took 3 weeks for me to get paid.

  3. Now THIS is what I was talking about! Fine work, my friend.

    And I'll head back to the ASS any old time with you. Try to get a ticket for the Thurs May 19 game vs. the Brewers (1:00 start). Our office has 20 nosebleed seats (section 446) plus the Squirreler may have a sweet seat for me courtesy of the company.

  4. I don't know how I failed to mention this before, but we have waterless urinals in my building. Very odd.

  5. Another sparkling example of America's youth:

    HYDE PARK – A Morrisville teenager is being held on $100,000 bail after pleading not guilty to charges he raided a tomb in a cemetery and removed the head of the corpse.

    Nickolas Buckalew, 17, faces up to 25 years in prison for the alleged April 8 theft. He was charged Monday with disinterring and disturbing the remains of a person, damaging a crypt and damaging grave markers.

    Lamoille County State's Attorney Joel Page said Buckalew's lengthy "rap sheet" led him to seek the high bail. The 17-year-old has seven convictions on his record and was on furlough from custody at the time of the alleged theft. Page also said Buckalew tried to commit suicide while he was in police custody.

  6. Oh man it gets even better:

    ORLANDO, Fla. -- A high school student was arrested for biting off part of a classmate's ear during a fight that started after he was cut off while driving into the school's entrance.

  7. So, if it took you a while to get out of the stadium after the game, would you say you were, "Stuck in the ASS for hours."??

    That being said, I'd love to take in a game in the ASS as soon as possible. Maybe I could catch a foulball in the ASS too ...

    Oh, soooo McFunny.

  8. I can't tell who I hate more: Skip Bayless or Terell Owens

  9. That's the most well-reasoned Skip Bayless has sounded in anything I've ever heard him say or write. The part about the Super Bowl is a little inaccurate, but in general I'm in agreement.

  10. Wow, you actually read the article? I just put the link there as an afterthought. By the way, I am listening to Blue Oyster Cult right now (Burnin' For You), and I am very happy. More cowbell please.

  11. The Association world loves it's adult beverages. Speaking of...I'm off to the front page...
