Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I'll have what he's having

Look at these numbers:
.421 BA, .507 OBP, 6 HR, 17 RBI, 16 R, 6 SB

These are the stats through 14 games of Orioles 2B Brian Roberts (all 5'9", 178 lbs. of him). Any other year, the steroid jokes would be flying fast and furious at Mr. Roberts (as well as the obvious comparison to former juicer/flamer/Orioles lead-off hitter Brady Anderson). Howevah (said in my Scott Van Pelt imitating Stephen A. Smith voice), Roberts would have to be an absolute moron to be on the juice this year. Instead, (hopefully) Roberts is just a very pleasant spring surprise, as are his Orioles. My hated for Peter Angelos will probably limit my references to the O's throughout the season, but it's hard not to recognize Roberts for his incredible start to the season (plus it means I can ignore yet another Yankees loss to an inferior opponent). I mean, this is a guy whose career high in home runs is 5, and his career TOTAL is 18. Kudos to you, Brian Roberts. Perhaps this short read will lead Robert "Squirrel" Russell to hit a few long flies tonight in our Angry Men softball opener (and Rob, I mean long flies to the outfield, not the SS) .

By the way, if you haven't read this account of a recent entertaining trip to the ASS to see the Nats, you're really missing out.

MLB AARP Update: Frank Robinson is a spry 70 years old, while Jack McKeon is 75 years old. "Hmm.. Colon Blow. Sounds delicious. But is it really higher in fiber than my oat bran cereal?"

Hmmm, not what you want to hear on Day 1 of your Pope-ing:
REGENSBURG, Germany (AFP) - The brother of Pope Benedict XVI Georg Ratzinger, 81, said he was "very concerned" and "shocked" upon hearing that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had been elected as head of the Roman Catholic Church because of his age and frail health.
"I am very concerned. I would have thought his advanced age and his health which is not very stable would have been reason enough for the cardinals to pick someone else," said a visibly moved Georg in an interview on German television after the election of his 78-year-old brother.


  1. Yes, that IS mildly interesting.

  2. We don't all get to work with "deaf guys accosting me" material you know.

  3. Galludet is right down the street, Thomas. How about a little effort?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Maybe that's why Corky tried to kill me?

  6. I roll my window down and shout at Galludet everytime I drive by. Seriously. It's well documented.

  7. I never liked Webster that much:

    WARWICK, Ga. - A police officer will be reprimanded for not giving a speeding ticket to former child television star Emmanuel Lewis after he was clocked driving 25 mph over the posted speed limit while towing a trailer loaded with an sports utility vehicle.

    Lewis, the former star of the '80s television series "Webster," got off with only a verbal warning when he gave his autograph and posed for a photo with the police officer and the police chief in this southwest Georgia town. Lewis, who now lives in the Atlanta area, was clocked driving through town at 70 mph in a 45 mph zone.

  8. Frankly, after seeing the preview for Monster-in-Law, I would've done the same thing. However, he obviously didn't run fast enough:

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A man spit tobacco juice into the face of actress Jane Fonda after waiting in line to have her sign her new book, police said.

    The man ran off but was quickly caught by police Tuesday night and charged with disorderly conduct.
