Thursday, April 21, 2005

If you thought yesterday’s post was trivial...

…just wait ‘til you get a load of this:

* All right, I’ll say it, the new Mix 107.3 is fantastic. I was treated to a Murderer’s Row of Tone Loc, Fine Young Cannibals (FYC to all you hipsters out there) and Bon Jovi in one 15 minute stretch the other night. Too bad the new musical selections can’t keep Jack Diamond from being the biggest douchebag on the planet.

* Ah yes, the Michael Jackson case. Just when you thought you couldn’t be grossed out enough by that freak Jacko, this comes out…
In a bombshell motion filed in closed court, prosecutor Tom Sneddon has obtained testimony from a former Neverland security guard - a guard who claims he fetched Vaseline for an aroused King Of Pop! In 1993: "Jackson called Abdool and asked him to go to Jackson's car and get a jar of Vaseline from the center console of the vehicle and bring it to his bedroom. Chacon and Abdool opened the unlocked door of the black SUV, retrieved the Vaseline and headed for Jackson's bedroom. When Jackson opened the door to his bedroom, Jackson was wearing only his pajama bottoms, appeared sweaty, aroused and Abdool observed Jackson to have an erection under his pajama bottoms. There was a young boy, who he believed was Jordie, in the bedroom with Mr. Jackson.”

May Michael Jackson burn in hell…

* Well, at least they’ve started the season on a tear, oh wait…The New York Yankees will be hit with a record luxury tax this year - Initial projections by the commissioner's office based on opening-day rosters have the Yankees owing $30,637,531. What the Yankees are paying in luxury tax is more than the entire payroll of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. The only other team projected to owe a tax (no surprise here) is the World Series champion Boston Red Sox, who would pay $969,177.

* The NBA Playoffs have arrived, and the Boston Celtics are in serious trouble against a very motivated and very talented (even without nutty Ron Artest) Indiana Pacers team. I just have this strange feeling that “Boom” Reggie Miller is gonna want to go out in style, and the Celts will be victim #1 in Round 1. The chances of me screaming obscenities at Antoine Walker Saturday night around 9pm – 100%.

* Anyone else have an inkling this might occur…Patrick Ewing Jr. is transferring from Indiana…to Georgetown, to play for JT3. So far, I can only liken the disparity in talent between father and son to Men at Work star Emilio Estevez and not-so-proud papa Martin Sheen.

* I had some frosted blueberry Pop Tarts this morning for the first time in years, and I’ll tell you what, they were god damned delicious. And nutritious.

* Wow, first Dolce & Gabbana, and now this:
NEW YORK (AP) - Paris Hilton is hot ... over something Nicole Richie did. But the hotel heiress isn't saying what's behind the feud with her co-Simple Life' star. "It's no big secret that Nicole and I are no longer friends,'' Hilton said in a statement Wednesday. "Nicole knows what she did, and that's all I'm ever going to say about it.''

* I guess anyone can be an internet writer…

April 20, 2005

Hello Fans,
Last week I went to Los Angeles for the Dodgers home opener. It was a real positive week for me, especially in my rehab. I would like to thank the fans in LA for the warm welcome -- ha ha! On Wednesday, I returned to my city, San Francisco. Thursday and Friday, Harvey, Tony and I walked the hill and the beach for the first time. Afterwards, we went to the ball park where I did my normal icing, sit-ups and leg strengthening exercises on my left leg. Right now, I can't do too much on my right leg.

My spirits were really high on Saturday after I did a little work in the Swim-Ex. I was able to do some much-needed cardio, which was very encouraging. On Sunday, I did the same thing. I made another step forward in improving the strength in my leg and my knee on Monday the 18th. It's a slow process, but nothing means more to me than being out on the field with my teammates, so I have to do my best to get healthy. I would much rather be on the field entertaining the fans than doing rehab.

Some fans were asking about what I do after rehab. My day starts at 6 a.m. and I finish with rehab around 12 or 1 p.m. I then go home and take a nap. After I wake up, I eat and take care of baseball-related work. This also involves answering emails, which I have a lot of fun doing. Right now, I'm taking the time to answer fan mail because once I get back on the field, my free time will be nonexistent! In between all the business, I talk with my family -- they are the most important thing in my life. Another hobby I really enjoy is exploring my creative side in the area of digital painting. Jeremy Sutton, the author of Painter IX Creativity, is working with me. Jeremy, Tony and I are working on some design pieces which will be incorporated into the new website design, that is coming soon.

Barry Bonds

P.S. I hate all of you (OK, so I made that part up)

* I think I tore my sack…Cubs shortstop Nomar Garciaparra was placed on the 15-day disabled list on Thursday due to a torn left groin. Cubs trainer Mark O'Neal said the muscle pulled away from the bone (OUCH!), the Chicago Tribune reports. Garciaparra and Cubs doctors are expected to make a decision in regards to surgery sometime in the next ten days - the initial report says he'll miss two-to-three months.

1 comment:

  1. I'll go on record as thoroughly enjoying the new mix 107.3...and thoroughly despising Jack Diamond.
