Monday, April 11, 2005

Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking...Just a moment...

It's Day 1 of my new job. Anyone familiar with this Lotus Notes crap?

My lunch consisted of a sampler of Pizza Shooters, Shrimp Poppers and Extreme Fajitas.

I still need to locate the most secluded restroom for dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool.

I need to make sure not to google "Naked Natalie Portman" for at least a week.

I need to wiggle my way into a Wiz luxury box for the playoffs.

And has anyone seen my Swingline stapler?

OK, so are they trying to make Philly fans look good?...GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — Fans at a Scottish Cup soccer game jeered during a minute's silence for Pope John Paul II on Sunday, forcing the tribute to be cut short.

Um, is this for real?...DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates, under pressure to stamp out the use of children as camel jockeys, plans to introduce robot riders this year, newspapers said on Sunday.