Friday, February 11, 2005

Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?

Oh, nothing but the best...You know what drives me nuts? I just got a burger for lunch at the cafeteria, and doused it in ketchup (as usual) but the ketchup that came out of the Heinz bottle was not in fact Heinz ketchup. Don't try to trick me minimum wage cafeteria employee - I can tell the difference. Ruined the whole damn burger for me. Bastards.

Lest anyone forget, this year, the Anaheim Angels will be called The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. I couldn't even make that up. Worst...idea...ever. Good job Arte Moreno.

A commercial for the new run of Survivor claimed that this time, it would be the toughest yet, because the "contestants" would get "No Help Of Any Kind". Oh really, so on a show called Survivor, their toughest test is that they will not be given help surviving? Wow, what a reach. Glad it took ten incarnations of the show to really put the screws to 'em.

Jerry spoke highly of his work, and the guy is willing to take a shot at Butt, so I figured what the hell...the newest link to the right is The Sports Grinder. Enjoy. Speaking of those links, who do you think will be the first to post in 2005, Swint or Greg?


  1. Yeah, and I posted to try to make my case, and he then eliminated all posts ever on his blog. Apparently dissent is not welcome at the Grinder.
