Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I am so bitter

I had a ticket to see the Wiz/Pacers game last night, in a work luxury box, and had to turn it down because I have some sort of mutant SARS/Ebola/West Nile virus that is rather unpleasant (this is the kind of illness that causes Jerry to sleep for 38 straight hours). Just my luck, guess who visited the box in the 2nd quarter? No guesses? Of course, it was this blog's namesake, Big Gheorghe himself. Needless to say, I am extremely nonplussed. I plan on spreading this thing to my co-workers faster than that kid in the movie theater in Outbreak.


  1. Note to TJ: Whenever you can't remember how to spell Muresan's first name, look at the top of the page. Carry on, my fevered son.

  2. We don't hear from you for months, and than this? Bastard.

  3. TJ, and "THEN" this. Carry on.

  4. Oh, and with reports circulating the Deep Throat is quite ill and upon his expiration, his identity will be revealed...do you have something you'd like to tell us, Thomas?
