Monday, January 10, 2005

You Gotta Love Page Six

There is an awful lot to digest here. Cush seems to have alot of balls in the air.

Jerry O'Connell wants to have his cake and eat everyone else's too. The former fat kid from "Stand By Me" made a lot of guys jealous when he started dating Rebecca Romijn-Stamos several months ago. But although the two are still together, our insider said O'Connell has been secretly calling his ex-fiancée, E! anchor Giuliana DePandi, on a regular basis, "saying he wants her back and they should get married." DePandi, who broke it off with O'Connell after he cheated on her with Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell, "hasn't returned the calls and isn't going near that."

1 comment:

  1. You gotta give it to Jerry O'Connell...he's living the dream. I mean, what were the freakin odds that out of Corey Feldman, River Phoenix, Wil Wheaton and Fat Vern, that he would pull the most tail? I guess it helps that the other three were torpedoed by drugs, drugs and Star Trek, respectively.
