Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Well Look At What We Have Here

So I'm flipping the channels last night, finally settling on VH1's I Love The 90s Part Deux, reveling in the comic wit of Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black, when all of a sudden I see none other then Bill Simmons, aka Sportsguy, blabbing on about 1990. Needless to say, I was quite surprised. And if you haven't heard Mr. Simmons talk yet...well, you're missing out. I don't think it's ever a good thing when the members of Hanson have deeper voices than you.


  1. Yeah, I caught that as well at about 10:45 last night. He looked like he might have been wearing the jacket that Ralphie Ciffaretto took off of Rocco DiMaio (toughest guy in Essex County). He looked like Rommell...

  2. I've intentionally blacked out hearing him talk.

  3. Oh boy, Bill's panties are really in a bunch now:
