Wednesday, January 05, 2005

There's Fruitless Litigation...

and then there's this asshole:

NBC's 'Fear Factor' Sued for Rat-Eating Episode
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Watching contestants eat dead rats on NBC's gross-out stunt show "Fear Factor" so disgusted a Cleveland man that he has sued NBC for $2.5 million, saying he could not stomach what he saw.
In a handwritten four-page lawsuit filed in federal court in Cleveland on Tuesday, paralegal Austin Aitken said, "To have the individuals on the show eat (yes) and drink dead rats was crazy and from a viewer's point of view made me throw-up as well an another in the house at the same time."
His suit added, "NBC is sending the wrong message to its TV watchers that cash can make or have people do just about anything beyond reasoning (sic) and in most cases against their will."
He said the show caused his blood pressure to rise so high that he became dizzy and light-headed, and when he ran away to his room, he bumped his head into the doorway.

It's called changing the channel you fucking moron. People like this should seriously be killed, or at least forced to eat rats on that crap show Fear Factor.

1 comment:

  1. I hit my head on something every time I drink alcohol, ranging from a little bump to a blood-spewing gash. I've been hit with a horseshoe in the face, I've cracked my head open on a marble slab while doing a cartwheel, I've launched myself into a low-hanging basement ceiling, I've slipped on ice outside a bar and landed on my head, I've been dropped on a toilet rim cranium-first in a poor attempt to jam me, and I've landed forehead-first on the corner of a hotel bedside table while diving on the bed (twice, including the night before my wedding).

    1. And I haven't sued anyone yet -- neither the thrower of the horseshoe nor the bar with the ice nor the toilet jammers nor the hotel with the dangerous tables nor any other tangetially related party. And $2.5 million for a bump on the head? I'd have more money than God, or his wealthier neighbor Donnie Trump.

    2. Why do I still drink? I am going to end up killing myself.

    3. Where am I and what was I talking about just now?

    They should award this guy a pittance ($25 at best) but also take away all of his TV's, plus put a block on his credit cards at Circuit City, Best Buy, and the like. I thought frivolous lawsuits were getting cracked down on a few administrations ago. Guess not?
